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Mychron 3 Gold


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Does anyone have experience of setting up a Mychron 3 system. Usually used on Karts, but my car uses one as a dash.

I have a problem with fuel and temperature and pressure readouts.


Anyone able to help/advise?





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Hi Clive, how's the engine re-insertion going? Were those things working ok beforehand?


Here is the link for the manuals page for the manufacturer.


I don't have any experience with Mychron, but I do have a LOT of recent experience of getting non-standard sensors to fit and talk to non-standard gauges.


I suggest:


1. Pick one of the instruments that's not working

2. Find out the spec of the sender from the manufacturer/online

3. Measure the resistance of the sender under known conditions - eg. for the pressure gauge, measure the resistance at rest, then again when the engine is running - is the resistance different?

4. Do the same measurements where the sender's wires meet the gauge - are they the same as at the sensor?

5. Look at the configuration of the gauge - does it need to be re-programmed to understand the input from the sensor?



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Hi Charlie, Thanks for the link, although I've already explored the AIM website.


The engine went in fine, apart from a misplaced O ring on the waterpump inlet pipe. Fairly easily sorted, though more spanner rash. Difficult to get at with the prop in place.

Anyway, all done, ran her up to temperature, all okay. Dropped the oil and changed oil / filter. Again all good.

Blat time.

Jump in and just out of the drive when the Mychron dash goes blank.

I found an earth wire I'd missed connecting to the battery. I now have rpm, speed, batt voltage okay, but no Oil pressure, fuel, oil temp, or water temp readings.

I've connected to the Mychron to the laptop and reloaded the original configuration, but no joy. I've rechecked all the connections and earths, but no joy. Just reads --- on the screen. But then shake the car, and it starts giving readings. They very scattered and don't make any sense, but at least it's registering something.

How senitive would the sensors be? The temp ones are ThermoresistancePT100 and the pressure is a VDO 0-10 bar. The fuel gauge is a VDO set into the top of the tank, and I assume is standard. There's a custom configuration for it.

I keep thinking there's a common fault for the 4 sensors, but maybe I've fried all of them somehow? ( un-connected earth? ).

If it's sensors then I've got to get replacements and drain all the fluids again to fit. ( the oil temp switch in in the bottom of the sump, where the R1 oil / water level sensor usually sits.


What a wasted weekend. I hate electrickery *mad*




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I've now taken the unit out of the car and conncted to a seperate 12v battery.

I've disconnected all the sensors, and re-configured the gauge, to disable all the sensors.

I've then re-connected the sensors one at a time, from the first connector, not through the loom, and enabled them on the software. It's still giving readings of FS ( Full Scale ) or nonsence.

It's showing a gauge temp of 227 deg C.

I've had a reply from AIM tech dept ( in America ), and they've not seen this problem.

"Have you checked the ground of the system? Check for any pinched wires on the system. I have never seen all the channels show F.S. (Full Scale). Just

on one if it is bad."


I think I've excluded any possible fault in the wiring, so assume it's the unit.

The UK distributor is in Stoke on Trent, so I think I'll have to take it there for repair.


Any advice welcomed.





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