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Convert from TVRs seeks advice


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Currently run a Griffith 500 which has plenty of grunt, effortless speed, big bills and perpetually gets stuck behind tractors and caravans at 30mph. But I've seen the light thanks to a Caterham owning friend on a track day last Summer. Now seeking advice and suggestions on best spec for a rapid track day car, perhaps road legal as well, price to around £15k and running costs less than the national debt. Heard lots about live axles v De Dion, Rover v Vauxhall etc, etc. But where to begin?
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15K would appear to be superlight started money - or if you are really adventours an SLR race car.


Either would make a perfect basis for caterham ownership however your bills will not fall as although the running costs are low you will want to do trackdays, and then upgrade. Upgradeitis is uncureable, but can go into remishion. There is no such thing as enough power, better handling, or less weight!


Greg, Q 86 NTM (Green 185BHP XF)

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Greg is right, although I would not discount the Vx version as there have been some superb bargains on some Vx cars of late. Also, considering your appetite for track days, these Vx cars have been equipped with dry sumps,LSD's, 13" wheels and other track day goodies. I think on a Vx you would get less of the urge to upgrade as there is a fair chance some of these bits may already be fitted in the price range you looking to spend. I think you would be hard pushed to find a nice SLR for 15k.(IMHO)


Good luck *thumbup*

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captain chaos,


I meant an ex Race SLR that might be a little tatty but have a nice spec - depends if like me your are will to sacrifice a little shineyness for go fasterness at a given budget.


Ah yes VX's - may appeal as there are some very nice ones arround that have loads of power for arround 15K - I remeber enquiring about a 250BHP beasty 18 months ago, and I sometime wonder "What if.." but then again I am more than happy with my Xflow!


Greg, Q 86 NTM (Green 185BHP XF)

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So if I understand, the Superlights are all Rover engined? I'd heard the Vx lump was a lot heavier and affected the handling? Unfortunately I'm no Superlight so need that extra power to compensate. Don't object to running costs - just looking for more adrenaline/£. Apart from this site and Caterham, are there any other good places to find suitable cars for sale? Anyone want to buy a TVR? *confused*
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Griff - TVR resell values are on the floor right now. I don't know if you can keep hold of your Griffith & wait until the values pick up? My mate just got rid of his P reg 4.2 Cerbera and got *not a lot* for it.


Running costs for a 7 (especially when compared to what you must be used to) are going to be very low. *smile* *thumbup*




😬 - Self portrait - still unable to remove the smile!

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running costs will be lower. for example tyres are about 250 quid a set, I expect the TVR costs about per tyre....


Your best bet is to see as many cars as possible and chat to their owners, beg a few rides and see what you like best. ALternatively buy a cheapish car now, keep it for a year whilst you decide what you like and what's important to you, and then sell it (at little loss) and buy a car with the spec you want.


HOOPY Membership Number 4136 R706KGU

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The idea of popping along to your local meeting is a must. I did this and found it extremely helpful. Afterall, I made the right decision and bought a Vx! All this talk about the weight of a Vx motor is over hyped by the K mob. I've driven both and there is a small difference but the Vx has advantages in other areas. It's horses for courses.


Greg, agree completely.

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I third Den's note of attending a meeting.. after all, I took him out in mine (still limited to 4000rpm on new engine) and he bought one not long afterwards, eh Den *smile*

You will be able to work out what you like the look of spec wise, and get opinions... I wish I had


Phil Waters

You mean you can drive these?

I thought it was just there to polish 😬

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I went through the same thing VX or K and went for a VX with quick rack, LSD, dry sump, stack etc etc and all for less than 12K off www.findit.co.uk. It turns in so much better than anything else I have driven so while a K might be better a VX is still v impressive on ACB 10's.


I went for the VX, going on the assumption that as Hoopy pointed out it would get me into Caterhams but can't see me changing it for a very long time - superb. The other thing I would agree with is you do end up spending money on silly little things to improve it and I have no idea why it certainly isn't anything to do with being disappointed with the car and I haven't even started on the engine yet.




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I fourth the area meet suggestion.


Also have a visit to Caterham in Surrey, if only because they have a wide selection of different cars all under one roof. If you're lucky they might even deign to take you out for test drives.


Superlight has to be your ideal choice. SLR's start at about 18k but 22k-24k is ball park for the good stuff.


Even for those not built like Kate Moss the Supersport spec K has enough poke for a good turn of speed. Round a circuit they'll wipe the floor with anything from TVR.


The only thing you'll lack is 100mph+ shove, but the beauty of these things is how well they go below that speed. You half lose the need to go any faster.



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I third Den's note of attending a meeting.. after all, I took him out in mine (still limited to 4000rpm on new engine) and he bought one not long afterwards, eh Den *smile*


Griff, this might or might not be a problem *wink* - the "I'd quite like one" will turn into a "I must have one, NOW!" *wink* *thumbup* You will no doubt return from having a ride in a 7, with a huge grin from ear to ear... 😬




😬 - Self portrait - still unable to remove the smile!

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If you go down to Caterham then book a test drive first. Tell them that you are interested in a specific model and maybe point one out form their website. THis will mark you out as being a more serious customer and you will then get a drive. I imagine that Caterham get 101 wallies turning up wanting to go for a blast at their expense with no intention to buy!
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Good point. For my first one, I saw exactly the one I wanted on their website, called them about it and booked a test drive in it. They were very nice about the whole experience and I had a great day resulting in my leaving them the deposit there and then.


Was one of the best days of my life, only beaten by the following (in the order of best at bottom):


The following week when I picked it up

15 months later when I received my new Kit

When V7 (current Caterham) passed it's SVA (1st time) and was registered (on the same day)

When I met my wife

When I got married.


😬 😬 😬


Worcs L7 club joint AO.//Membership No. 4379//Azure Blue SLR No. 0077//Se7ens List Tours


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Thanks to everyone for their replies - didn't know I was opening such a debate. To answer a couple of the comments - I'm based in Malmesbury, Wilts and have seen the local meet is just the other side of Swindon so will check that out next month. Will also have a run down to Caterham and check out their stock. Even better if I can get a test drive or two.


The friend I blame for my interest in Caterhams tells me he's just bought an R500 - bit above my league but with a promised "spin" shortly, I'm sure the bug will bite even harder. Have to keep things in perspective as the Griffith needs to go first. Do I have the willpower?? or won't power??

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We dumped our Cerbera after 3 blown Speed6 engines in 13 months *eek*


We couldn't decide on the SV or the SLR, or Classic.


Our decision went to the SV, with VHPD for several reasons:


1) a bit of room in the cockpit, as well as the larger boot.

2) things that would be options on a Classic or other 7 were standard.

3) the VHPD behaved very much like a TVR's speed curves, albeit it's a RELIABLE engine as opposed to.....see above

4) it was just too much fun to drive, and be in.


In our TVR folks were routinely rude, you posers in a TVR. In a 7, we get all sorts of folks coming up and talking to us, OAPs waving, etc.


Whatever 7 you settle on, you'll not have:


1) Blackpools' "attitude"

2) as high as (1's) repair bills

3) something reliable for years to come.


All in all, I look forward to converting you to 7 ownership. You'll be ever so happy!




Go team GBR

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I started with a toe dipping into a superlight 1.6, it was a lucky guess from advice here and budget requirements, I now have a much nicer shiny new SLR, but, and its a big but, you'll love any seven like (or in some peoples cases more 😳) than one of the family.


In the future (it only took me 11 months and 20,000 miles in all weathers and climbs) you'll understand what you really want in terms of specification and model then you'll porbably have half the national debt saved from the ludicrously low running costs of a seven to go buy a spangly new one built to your specification just for you, tailor made, a one off, unlike the TVR.


It does unusual things like start, run and pass those petrol stations that you have to stop in everytime, oh yes and get all four wheels off the ground when "pressing on", go around corners on rails, oh the best bit, look like a classic british automobile as you pass the exotica like TVR, Lamborghini and Ferrari on a race track, make sure you give them a polite wave and cheesy grin to make them appreciate their air con, prestige, badge, ego and exorbitant running costs ...... as they watch you go round the next corner 😬



Very very very very very very (ad infinitum) Seven Owner


PS get used to going out in all weathers and thinking every other car is boring or slow *wink*



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This seems like a common occurrence. I changed from years of TVRs (Chim 4.3, Griff 500, Cerbera 4.5) to a Caterham, an SLR, and can honestly say I don't know why I didn't do it sooner.


But I like track days and don't drive on the road. I'd far rather have the Cerbera for the road, but on the track it feels like a bus in comparison.


Funnily enough, I let me Cerbera owning mate drive the SLR round Anglesey last weekend. He now wants to buy an SLR.


As for running costs, 350-400 for a set of ACB10s all round is about the biggest single bill I've had in 18 months of ownership (touches wood in case it's all about to change!)



Yellow SLR T777XXX

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