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R500 K oil leak

N Blandin

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Had a call from a friend today, he's working on a K R500 that pumps oil out the rear main seal at about 5000 rpm.

Oil pressure on the Stack is 60 psi on ticker and up to 78 psi at 6000rpm.

The breathers on the cam cover are blanks.

You can see the oil returning to the tank, there is a little crankcase pressure with the oil cap off the cam cover, but not much.

No smoking or rattles and it drives fine.


Any ideas?

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It sounds suspiciously like the scavenge pump is tired and not keeping up at higher revs?

Been there done that ..... and stuffed a couple of big end bearings!

Also check the scavenge pickup filter is not blocked?

The oil pressure pump will create a positive pressure in the block, the scavenge pump will create a negative - as long as the scavenge pump is doing a better job than the pressure pump it gives the usual slight negative pressure that exists in a dry sump setup.



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Sorry, rubbish description at the top!

It really pumps out a fair bit in the bell housing when running.

The tank has enough oil but not too much.

The motor was rebuilt recently too.

The guy found the leak and replaced the rear main seal.

It's still doing it though!


So, if the scavenge pump is goosed, the build up of positive pressure increases with revs forcing the oil out the easiest exit, which is the largest seal.

Works for me!


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IIRC it's around £65 for them to strip it and check it over, I think about £90 if it just needs a general service. Mine came to £130 because it needed a new shaft and cover plate - still waiting for it because Titan are waiting for a batch of shafts.



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TC's is over there too waiting for refurb. I suspect the body needs replacement 😳 but even this fairly substantial item they suggested was only £80. I suspect this charge is in addition to the normal service charge which doesn't sound too bad at all *biggrin*




Edited by - Nick Chan on 5 May 2012 13:07:40

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