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Powerspeed exhaust, just how flamin' big does the hole in the sideskin have to be?

Peter G

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Fitting nice shiny Powerspeed 4 into 2 into 1 exhaust today, following instructions, and all primaries individually are clearing the now much enlarged hole.


But try getting them all in and they're pressing against the ally skin here there and every blooming where!


Any one got one of these fitted to a series 3 non fat boy 7, that could send me a pic would be a hero.


I'm just worried that I may end up with a hole big enough to climb through.


Oh and the exhaust has got the 4-2-1 bit all as part of the silencer, not separate collector. And how far should the proimaries go into the collector p[art, and should i seal them with some jollop or other?


Thanks, from Frustrated of Bedfordshire.




Edited by - Peter G on 17 Mar 2012 19:03:00

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I ended up with a big hole so you wouldn't want to use mine as a template! Still, plenty of nice cool air gets into the engine bay *wink*


As for how far should the primaries overlap the collector, well, enough that the exhuast mounts line up correctly. I think they only overlap about an inch but that seems to be enough.


I don't bother with sealant now; when I did use high temperature silicone it worked a treat for a while until the next trackday or race and it just blew it out or melted it!


The only problem I have had with the Powerspeed was the weld breaking at the join where it goes from a single pipe into the two branches. Stainless was not cheap to have welded.


Cheers, Dave

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Hi Peter G. I have had a Powerspeed exhaust for a couple of years now. I had mine fitted by Powerspeed though. I did take some photos as they did the job that I could dig out for you if desperate. I remember the guy fitting each pipe individually first, starting with the one nearest the radiator, and gradually nibbling away at the hole until all of them fitted. He definately did not use any " jollop or other" to seal the pipes to the rest of the exhaust. I have removed the exhaust a few times to do various jobs on the car and never use anything to seal it again. I will E-Mail you photos if I can find them. Let me know your E-Mail address just in case.



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Hi *wavey*


When I fitted my second hand four branch race exhaust it didn't come with any instructions, but the method I used was as follows:-


Mask the side panel with copious amounts of masking tape


Insert primary 1 and bolt up as tightly as possible without putting stress on the side skin and then I used a large repair washer to help draw a line around the primary on the masking tape back to the existing hole (edge of washer runs around the pipe and a pencil is in the hole at the centre of the washer)


Remove primary and cut the side panel to the line drawn on the masking tape.


Re-insert primary and repeat the process until the pipe is fully fitted to the head and there is a gap around the pipe the width of the repair washer (from hole to edge, which in my case was about 15mm)


Then repeat the process with each of the other primaries in turn until all four are fitted with a nice even gap around them.


Cutting the side skin neatly is tricky but I found that a hand nibbler was pretty good...


If you can see my signature strip (with the photo of my car) then click on the link and you will see a before and after photo.


All the best



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I don't know if these help?


here and here


I did it roughly as richard says, but used a file as I dont have a nibbler.


The primary's move a lot as you tighten them on to the engine so you need to enlarge the holes umpteen times...



Oh, and plenty of swearing helps *smile*


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