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Road Tyres - Confused


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I am on Minilite 14" primarily for road use but hopefully the odd track day. This forum previously hightly recommended replacing my Avons with Yoko 21Rs. Sad to say they are not currently available and apparently the wait may be up to a month. Yoko AO48Rs are just out and are meant to be similiar but I wonder if anyone has any knowledge or experience. Yoko A539s are also available but I suspect this is a rather different tyre. Any thoughts please?
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Try 48Rs and let me know what you think of them *smile*


The tread pattern on 48Rs leads me to believe they won't be as good in the wet as 21Rs. Bet they're very good in the dry...


They're definitely going to be the replacement for 32Rs and I'm sure Polley said to me last year that they'd replace 21Rs too, but I could be making that up.


Did you get a price on 48Rs?





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I have run A539,s they were on my 7 when i bought it NOT very good but that is only my opinion, if you intend to do a lot of road miles it may be worth checking out the BridgestoneRE720 . I use my 7 all year round and have found these to be Very good in all conditions.


Many off the carroteers will testify to the reasonable level of grip my 7 has *wink*


still fast in flares 😬


Edited by - Marc Hicks on 16 Oct 2002 14:57:41

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I am very happy with 15" yoko A539


Lot of grip wet and dry, impossible to know their limits on road use.


However never used 021 or 032 so I cannot compare.

Other users will tell you O21 and 032 much more "grippy" but need to be changed 4 times more


So in fact depend how milieage you do and how rich are you


In fact tyres in two different categories, the best is to try ...



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When I got my 7 it had AO21R all round. The rears wore out within a couple of thousand miles of fairly energetic road use. I have replaced the rears with A539s, which although less ultimately grippy, I am very happy with. After a couple of thousand miles, they look hardly used.


If anything I prefer them cos with a little less grip, the car is a bit more fun. Fairly cheap too. i guess thats my recommendation! *thumbup* *thumbup*

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I was quoted £55 for the AO48Rs plus the VAT and fitting. Apparently the tread runs further round the edge of the tyre more like a bike tyre. I am tempted to give them a try particularly as 21Rs are apparently not likely to be available for at least a month, but I am a little cautious of trying something new which no one else yet seems to have tested. I must cure this indecisive habit! *wink*
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Do you mean 8.5" rears?


Yoko do 215 section tyres and whilst an 8.5" rim is not on the "permitted" column I'm sure they'd still work. I use 205s on a 7" rim despite the "permitted" being 6.5" and they work just fine.


Whether 8.5"s is totally necessary on an SLR is another matter. I'm not convinced anything more than 205 section is required, certainly for road use. I've even used 185s on the back on track to reasonable effect (Le Sept this year) but they did wear out quickly *smile*



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If you speak to Polley they'll tell you that the permitted rim size column not to be taken as gospel and will advise on suitable rims.


Andy, I agree with you regarding SLR wheel sizes - I'm not sure they're beneficial apart from at standing starts. I've gone from 185s (which seem to be the best for up to 150 bhp say) to 205s on 7" as i went to 150 bhp and the rear is far to well stuck down. I'm planning to go to over 200 bhp so hopefully everything will come back into balance then.


But 8.5" tyres on an SLR with 190 bhp must surely be over tyred 🤔


or am i speaking out of my 🙆🏻


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You are. *wink*


It's fine. My car is certainly not "over-tyred".


Ask Daren Ball or Nigel Pugh what it was like following me round the horseshoe pass last year (maybe the year before). Although they both kept up, when we stopped at the cafe on the top, both admitted they were less planted on the road than they thought good for them. I, on the other hand, was having fun driving round the outside of the motorbikes who thought they were quick.


After our breakfast, one motorbiker came up to me. I thought I was going to end up in a fight for my having overtaken him, but all he said was "Wow. That was your car overtaking us then? what engine has it got?".


I am able to keep my foot in on hard corners and other place where others may have to modulate their throttle control. That said, I am never able to keep up with Andy Isherwood on a track, despite him having 6 inch tyres all round and giving away 50bhp to me. Perhaps it's a function of ACB10s over "anything else", but my car is certainly not over-tyred.


Worcs L7 club joint AO.//Membership No. 4379//Azure Blue SLR No. 0077//Se7ens List Tours


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I have. And as noted, 185s were even viable on track. Could get some lovely slides going too, and more easily. But sliding like that isn't the quickest way, hence 205s being my usual choice.


With these the whole car is planted very nicely.


Car to car comparisons are always hard. Experience with your own car counts for an awful lot, as does making sure the suspension is set up nicely. I'd say both would out weight an extra 15mm on tyre width.


People's limits on the road vary enormously as well, which can also add or detract from the comfort zone.


I'm assuming the ACBs are 9".



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So what am I doing wrong?


Ex Race SLR 205ish BHP Minister Engine, flat floored, lowered to 55mm under sump, undone rear anti roll bar, 9" rear and 7" front slicks and I can't get the back to stick on slow, medium or fast corners *eek* Turn in is brilliant though *smile*



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Maybe you're not getting the slicks up to temperature, or maybe they're not in very good nick?


Have you tried doing up the anti roll bar?


Maybe it's too stiff at the back?


Or maybe you're right foot's just too leaden 😬


Didn't mean to suggest that 205s made it impossible to get the back out. Far from it. Just that it feels well balanced with 185 fronts and 205 rears, and when it does go it does so gently.



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roll bar is disconnected, Tyres are used having done one race, definitely not getting enough heat into them even with an extremely leaden foot 😬 when I come off circuit after 15 to 20 mins they are just about warm, 17 cold, 21 hot (or not hot as the case is!)


thought about setting up a couple of blow torches pointing at the rear tyres unless anybody else has any ideas


ps will be dropping the rear 1 - 2 turns at Spa if problems persist but don't want to lose the turn in particularly for Eau Rouge *eek*



BTW I wasn't suggesting 185/205 wasn't right, I think I might be guilty of hijacking looking for a solution for me *smile*



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Have you ever tried narrower rears?


I wonder whether a narrower width (7"s all round perhaps, or maybe 8"s on the rear) might allow you to get more heat into them, thus making them stickier?


I'm also told that you need to build up heat in slicks "gently", i.e. a few sane laps before going for it.


Have you tried the car with the arb connected?


What springs and dampers are you using?





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