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Spot on, I wish I could remember all the series, when I were a lad it was all fields round here and I could recite the whole lot, them were the days them were, you could buy a pint of beer for 27p (ah happy student days - that was for Adnams too!)



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resistors.... same as R/C car radio bands isn't it...


Brown, Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, grey?, black?, ???


hmmm.... not so good on that one...


silver 10%, gold 5%, red 2% as well i think..


Oh dear, I'll get such a beating on cam7 for not knowing this...


HOOPY Membership Number 4136 R706KGU

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paul - remembering the periodic table is more difficult...

H He

Li Be B C N O F Ne

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar


at school, in a most impolitically correct way, we remembered this as


Little bent b**t**ds can not often find neighbours




Naughty magistrates always sit pondering smelly Clepoatra's a*se.


must have worked, as I still remember them *smile*


Honda Passion Orange, 640kg *eek*, and proud of it 😬


Edited by - c21vhpd on 15 Oct 2002 22:13:48

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Periodic table...easy


He He ! Lie Beb Kernofknee Namgalsipscla Kaca. Thats all you needed for O levels. Of which I have two at chemistry, as I got an O at "A" level !


What about these....


Six Old Hags, Crotchety and Horrible , Tipsy On Alcohol ?


Dr Drapers Van ?


Sally Mortimer Hates Eating Oranges ?


King Plays Cards On Fat Girls Stomach ? (gosh, one relevant to the thread).


Can't remember our resistor one.

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Er, damn, should have thought somebody would ask that..




Dr Drapers Van - French Past particpals using etre in the passe compose

Devenir, Revenir, er, er, anyway


SMHEO - Superior, Micigan, Huron, Eyie, Oregon - great lakes

KPCOFGS - Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species, Variety.




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........ there are millions for the geological sciences but I found it a lot more logical to remember the actual sequence rather than a load of mumbo jumbo .....


N = Never = North

E = Eat = East

S = Shredded = South

W = Wheat = West




N = North

E = East

S = South

W = West



Unless, of course they were rude ..... *eek*



1.8K Viper Blue with Black Bits

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Far to clever that Alex 😬


French perfect tense. Two parts. First part, the verb avoir - to have.


J'ai = I have.


Second part, the past participle of the verb i.e. Manger - to eat, mangé - eaten.


Thus J'ai mangé - I have eaten (which is true, a cheese and bean jacket spud).


except a few verbs which take être - to be , as the first part.


i.e. Je suis arrivée - I have arrived (lit. I am arrived)


The verbs that do this (at schoolboy level anyway) :-


D evenir

R evenir


D escendre

R etourner

A ller

P artir

E ntrer

R ester

S ortir

V enir

A rriver

N aître


= Dr Drapers Van

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In my experience is was always chase and then kiss or in fact chase and get kicked.


I'm still trying to think of this evenings question to tax Hoopy & Noger and so far I've failed cos they are either very clever or make great use of Google *wink*


Alex why does you reg look like S7 Bumy ?




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