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OT ipod to laptop...........Now Sorted

7 wonders of the world

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Trying to get all 29GB of music from the ipod back onto a new laptop, tried all I can find with only limited sucess only seems up move about 5GB using 'hidden files' etc *confused*


I had my entire music file on the previous laptop and it is backed up onto a WD harddrive, but this apparently puts a firewall up so I can't pull things off this onto the new laptop.


A geekly guy in PC world pulled over some urgent stuff a while back but I'm buggered if I can find how he got around the firewall *confused*


Can anyone help as all I want to do is sort the ipod, upload some new ACDC discs and listen to a few tunes............ ☹️


I really couldn't give a moose's fart about firewall's encoding, piracy etc etc - what is the point in evolving technology if it's so arkward to use *eek*


Cheers *wavey*


Edited by - 7 wonders of the world on 15 Jan 2012 09:28:38

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Sounds more like file ownership / permissions than a firewall. Probably the external disk is formatted with NTFS and the files are owned by a user on the old machine. Windows 7 should allow you to "take ownership" of the files then copy them over. If you're using XP Home you need to reboot to safe mode before you can change ownership.


Easiest to bring the external disk and laptop over to someone who understands such things.


Technology can be a right pain sometimes, but would you rather revert to a Walkman and 2000 cassettes?

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Firewall was probalby the worng word, think PC world called it a 'partition' which allowed each laptop to see only the files relating to the laptop into which it was plugged - but not each others.


Geeky bloke managed to go inot the laptop and look around this partition and displayed the entire contents of the WD on screen, we picked off the important work related files and copied them to the new laptop - if only I could remember how he did that!, I've tried all I know which in laptop terms isn't much but no joy ☹️


Irony is that the old laptop had a copy of Anapod Red Chair on it which I purchased to sort out just this ipod problem - 🙆🏻

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Interesting - not sure how you hide a partition from one machine but not another. You've not answered Jonathon's question about what operating system you're running - is it Windows? If so, which version? XP, Vista, 7...?


I'm quite sure I could sort this out for you if you were in my area. If you're likely to be, give me a shout. If not, perhaps there's someone closer to you?

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Bit far from me I'm afraid. How technical do you want to get?


If you go to Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management

You should see a "Disk Management" section which will show all the partitions on all attached drives. That would be the starting point to figure out what partitions are on the disk. You MAY be able to assign a drive letter to any hidden partitions from in there.

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Have you still got the original laptop?


If not, what software did you use to 'backup' the original laptop?

It sounds like the PC chap didn't really know what was going on.


Unless it was backed up using some proprietary software, or encrypted, the it's probably just a case of locating the partition and filesystem type and copying it back.

If it was a proprietary backup tool, then it's probably used GNU tar or similar and will be readably by any Linux machine.


Feel free to BC me with any details and I can try and help.

If you aren't in a hurry, you can send me the disk and I'm sure I'll be able to extract your data, one of the Windoze gurus at work will be able to :)


Trying to reverse copy from an ipod is a nightmare as all the filenames are changed and it keeps the original naming in a database (ish). However, I've used MediaMonkey to download from an ipod before..


Cheers - Simon


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Quoting simonpa: 
Trying to reverse copy from an ipod is a nightmare as all the filenames are changed and it keeps the original naming in a database (ish). However, I've used MediaMonkey to download from an ipod before..


I've think you've got two problems:


1 Finding and reading the files: advice as in the thread above.


2 Getting the music organised as you want it. That's why I asked about iTunes. Simon has described some of this problem. If you want to do this the iTunes way and you've solved the first problem it might be easier to ask iTunes to read the whole disc/ partition/ appropriate folders and do the work of finding and making a library of the music for you. On iTunes for OS X this is done by "File" then "Add to Library... " Could someone post the similar actions for Windows 7 Professional.


Good luck



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Hi Guys,


First a HUGE thanks to eveyone that's posted advice or BM me off line - fantastic response.


I headed back to PC World yesterday and the same Geeky guy was there again and remebered my problem from last time and very patiently walked me thro the steps with me making notes 😬.


Seems the back up drive knows with laptop it's hooked up to and will only display files relating to that laptop in the retrieve option.


The link to previous files from other laptops etc is somewhat twisted and patially encoded in the path directories, it's well hidden away on the harddrive - I would have never have found it ☹️ - but I now know where the bugger is *tongue*


All files now uploaded, music dropped over to iTines and all resynced and fully working what a king size faff this has been.


I've learnt a lot though!


Thanks again guys *thumbup* *wavey*



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