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How many Supertrapp discs


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I have fitted a disc Supertrap to my Caterham, using all 12 supplied discs fitted.


However on re-testing with a sound meter it's not got any quieter ☹️


Does anyone have any experience using a disc Supertrap on a Caterham 🤔

How many discs did you use, and what effect did it have 🤔


Any help would be much appreciated as it would save me alot of trail and error.




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Well, provided you are using an end cap, less disks mean less noise, it's the gaps between the disks where fumes and noise exit.

More disks = more exhaust gas exiting = less back-pressure = more noise.


And vice-versa.


Keep an eye on possible riching/leaning of the burn process.


All the best ! - Karsten

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Supertrapps are designed to cut exhaust noise. See bottom of page 207, item 7 of the 2002 Demon Tweeks catalogue.


Principally, the device fixes onto your tailpipe and using a series of metal rings and a capping plate to force the exhaust out in a 360 circle rather than straight out of your tailpipe. They do say that if too many plates are removed (to achieve desired noise level) that the system can cause back pressure (better torque / less bhp) which if too extreme could possibly damage your engine. I have never heard of such a case but I guess the theory is correct.


*arrowright* *arrowright*Harry Flatters *arrowright* *arrowright* *thumbup*

AKA Steve Mell

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Used one today, 6 discs reduced noice from 102 to 97 and I lost about 30% of the power!!!, wouldn't rev past 7,000.... in the end we started to add discs but got bored, left just the backplate with no discs and no end cap got all the power back and dropped 2dB, still can't understand why but it got me on track *smile*



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