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does the fuel tank on an S3 come out the bottom?


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Just done this as I've swapped from a carb tank to an injection tank.


It will come out the top of the boot with the FIA bar in place.


1. Remove boot floor and the aluminium strip the divides the boot in half

2. Undo all connections; sender, fuel hose, retaining bolts & anything else I've forgotten

3. Jack up the rear of the car, you'll need extra ground clearance for 4. below

4. Now you should be able to move the tank to one side, tilt down towards the diff and it should now be in an upright position to lift out between the rear supports of the FIA bar.


Job's a good 'un

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I have had my tank out through the bottom a few times. Much easier than the top. Remove rear boot floor section, disconnect the filler pipework and breather, loosen and remove the retaining stap and bolts. Lift one end and tilt the tank and manoeuver it out downwards.


Car is S3, metric and has the 'Sigma' tank with the fuel pump assembly mounted in the top.


I didnt even need to jack it up or disconnect the fuel hose or electrical connections !




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Taking the tank out of my injection 94 S3 is done out the bottom....

Remove as much fuel as possible.... electrics, return line and pump supply.

jack car and place high on stands.

I use some masking tape to seal inlets/outlets.

Lift tank - move to left - drop right down through chassis until return pipe hits DD tube.

Adjust tank position so you can tilt tank aft to allow return pipe to clear DD tube.

Job done....

Refitting is reverse of removal..... as they say


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Mine definitely wouldn't come out the bottom. I tried for a long time (someone having told me this was the way to do it) but the various sticky-out appendages (sorry to get over-technical) made it impossible. Rotating it and lifting it vertically out between the roll cage bars worked though.
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  • 6 months later...

I add a point : i need to remove the tank from my DD S3 (imperial chassis).

The 2 "brackets" that are below the fuel tank are fixed on my car.

A friend of mine has a R500 D (metric chassis), and those 2"brackets" are removable which make a differnce...

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