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Paint finnish


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I have now owned my 7 for 6 weeks. I am very very happy with it apart from one thing... the paint finish.


There are loads of patches where the paint is coming off - such as all around the bonnet. The paint finish seems to be rather poor - I would even say it is the worst I have ever seen. Also the paint is very thinly applied - which is why it is coming off I suspect.


Any suggestions?








Edited by - simon scott on 15 Oct 2000 18:26:25

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Your car's a Superlight isn't it? Well you don't want to lose that performance advantage 'cos of a heavy paint finish do you? That's why it's so 'thin'. Stands t' reason dun it


Best wishes; A brain washed Caterham owner!!!!!!!!


Keep using the 'Mer' as protection!

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Normally Caterham paint jobs are v. good. By contrast, some paint jobs following accident repairs (or vandalism) are not so good. So if it is a new car, complain, otherwise have a chat with the previous owner to see if there is any accident damage. Note that accident damage is not a big no-no, as any chassis repairs will have been done by Arch Motors and will be to the original spec (if not better than original).





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I have found that in many trades the place to complain is at a trade show when there are prospective buyers around. Much as they want to show off the products that are costing a fortune to show & really don't want negative vibes, you have a captive audience. People soon catch on if you complain loudly enough on the stand. 'Ear wigging' becomes the order of the day and works in your favour.


Example:- I had a model race boat engine that would not hold together. I dumped it on the stand when there were a lot of peole about and said "You might as well keep this junk 'cos it's no good to me" Heads turned. The end result was a brand new engine of the latest spec. turned up in the post one week later.

We set that one up and geared it for 32,000 RPM (Honest!) it was making 1.9 BHP---------- from 3.5 cc's. Amazing!

Piston & liner life of about 8 hours until it went off song. That is actually very good.

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If your car is new, and painted by Caterham, it's paint should be of very high quality. This is one of the things they (rightly) pride themselves on. Speak to Andy Noble or Jason today (or you'll miss them - they'll be going to the NEC). Ignore those advising strong arm tactics - if you treat them respectfully, and there are faults, I have no doubt that they'll fix the problem. In my experience (prior to when I was General Secretary) they are reasonable, and try to make their customers happy if they can.

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Graham Ridgway returned his SLR500 body for respraying because the painters had not finished under the edges. Apparently a new employee at the painting company has become an ex-employee.


New paint can be *green*. My car has a few holes here and there, but they just make it look honestly used at three years old. Best bet, Simon, is to hurry up and have your first visit into a gravel trap, shearing the engine mounts and dinging the side skin with your exhaust headers. It will be the first part of a journey to personalising your car.

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had my supersport for about 14 weeks, have too experienced some paint flaking where bonnet rests on bodywork, no-where else though. interested to see your pic's whats your web site address, will look tonight to see if similar problem. Up untill now just thought its part of seven ownership! (which I suspect it is!?)


Shaun Soanes

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If you mean where the bonnet is turned in and rests on the 'side skins' then you could try a tip that I have used to good effect.

I have stuck black pvc tape on the underside of the flanges. This not only saves the paintwork from the inevitable chafing, but protects the bonnet when you lay it down to tinker/show off the engine! It doesn't show. Weight increase is negligble!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

An update as promised.


It seems Caterham are taking my car back under warranty. I will get more precise details by Friday.


The car was assessed by John Noble Motorsport today and John agreed with me that the paint should not be in the condition it is in, although it is not that bad....yet.


I will let you know what Caterham say.


Thanks Simon.




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Anyone know a good paint shop in t'North.... living / driving in Scotland's salt has taken its toll and I want to repaint this year.... any advice?


Also screen frame / footwell alloy needs a good clean after battery acid overspill damage.... whats the best polish for the job... yes I'm a one yearer so still learning!





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  • 3 weeks later...

At last!


Caterham have ummmed and arrrrred and they have agreed to re-spray the car.(hopefully spraying the whole car with etching primer first this time!)


Luckily as I am going abroad over December and Jan they are going to do it then, but I have to foot the transport costs for the car there, and they will pay for the return.






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Simon,the problem these days with painting aluminium is that due to envioremental problems the amount of cromats in undercoatpaint is drasticly lower than a couple of years ago. This makes the etching proces much less agressive and the undercoat more prone to rub off the bodywork, so it is essential that the bodywork is prepared faultless before spraying.




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