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Slight weep from head gasket


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On tour in Switzerland and just noticed I have a tiny weep from the head, behind primary number 4 ☹️ not enough to drip but certainly a leak there. Cleaned off all evidence this morning but it has returned. Nothing I can do here so I'll have to keep going and hope it doesn't get worse. Engine has just been rebuilt so wasn't expecting this - I just hope I can get back with it ok, else it will be a while without the car while I wait for it to be recovered ☹️. Trackday on June 20th as well so I doubt I'll get it fixed before then ☹️
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Are you sure this is not from where the water rail joins the head, a known problem area. If you have access to some tools I would remove the water rail and apply a silicome sealant to see if this fixes the problem.


Hope you are able to complete and enjoy the rest of your trip *thumbup*

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I'm in the process of replacing the water rail head seal on mine too. When I removed it, it was looking decidedly second hand. I also noticed that I had a strange bead of coolant appearing at the fixing lug to the head which I think was a stress fracture. I've brazed this up too so fingers cross all fixed. Angus and Tessa have photo's of the symptoms in their web site here. Good luck fixing yours.




PS also getting my leak fixed for a track day on June 20th. Castle Combe *wavey*


Edited by - Tigger on 5 Jun 2011 07:29:53

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Just finished replacing the gasket and leaks seems to have been cured. V simple to replace gasket but re-filling the coolant is the long winded bit. I followed Pete Carmichael's procedure here


It would have been far riskier/harder without fitting a bleed tee in the top pipe to the heater matrix.


Good luck with yours.



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For a fix that avoids dismantling and having to refill and bleed coolant, remove screws one at a time, shorten, refit, do next one. This way the rail is held in place by the remaining screw, minimising chance of joint dislodging.


Filing or hacksawing a couple of mm from each will probably get enough nip on the gasket to stop it leaking.


Alternatively leave alone and monitor.


The unpredictable bit is whether the gasket will blow out if you leave it alone vs whether any possible disturbance of the fixings may also dislodge it......




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Rather than cut the bolts down I could just put a couple of washers under the heads. I'm leaving it alone for the moment though. Almost 1000 miles covered in the last few days and it doesn't seem to be getting any worse.
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