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Llandow Needs You

David Lynch

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Nice one Jeff *tongue*


I think this is a good suggestion but would probably end up being too costly and would need the agreement of all competitors so Admin would be huge. From a basic calculation if they need 80 and only have 60 then that means we have to stump up another £31 (i.e. total cost £126 each).

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Would be a great shame is Llandow was wiped off the calender this year

or next year. With only 15 non 7 club entries, is it clashing with another

local event, or just general impact of the recession?


If the latter, I wonder if other events will be threatened this season ☹️

Is Llys-y-fran likely to have similar problems? Was thinking of entering, but

not if Llandow gets pulled.



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My 2p's worth... *smile*


If the min entry is 50, then can't we presume it goes ahead with 51+...or whats the point in stating a minimum entry?


If they are short of cash, I'm sure a whip around will fill , or at least shorten the defecit.


If Llandow is cancelled, It's a long way to go to Llys y Fran for many of us, for just one day (ie. if one is cancelled then both are for me)

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Was thinking along the lines of many of the above posts since I read the original. My tuppence worth too:


An extra few £ in order for the event to go ahead, in the grand scheme of things is neither here or there especially considering we'd have double the runs. The major expenses are the standard entry fees, getting there and back and a B&B on the Saturday night.


I for one, would have to seriously consider going to Lys Y Fran as a "stand alone" event. It is a very long way for little over 3 minutes on the hill. No Llandow would almost certainly mean no Lys Y Fran, which is a great shame as it's my favourite weekend of the year.


Let's see how things stand in another week or so, but I suspect that if Llandow is cancelled then the Lys entry will suffer too.


If Simon could keep us up to date I'm sure that would be appreciated by all.



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😬It would be a great shame if the Llandow event was cancelled however I for 1 would deffinatly still be going to Llys-y-fran.


A great event and well worth the effort even without Llandow.


But for the sake of Llandow if your wavering why not enter, even if your not currently registered for the championship but fancy a go, the championship registration isn't much and I know there's lots out there that have done track days at Llandow previously why not have a go at a sprint & see how you do..


never know you also might catch the bug.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I emailed James Ashley yesterday, who is organiser of Llandow to see what the current status is.

He said:

We are still going ahead as it stands today. The numbers are still pretty low. 60 at the moment. I've had 2 pull their entries in the last 2 days.

So thats not definite confirmation, but I'm taking it as good news and will plan accordingly. See you in Wales, if not at Glorious Goodwood 😬

(Disclaimer: the above is not official confirmation from organiser, organising club, 7 club or me - you book a 6 star hotel and pre-event massage in the village at your own risk etc. etc.)




Edited by - Alan Bowler on 22 Apr 2011 08:47:08

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Congratulations on entering your first sprint, don't be afraid to ask if you have questions.


There always seems to be a lot to take in but there's plenty willing to give advice & guidance.


Have you remember to send the initial L7C championship entry form into the club as well ?

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As there was nothing in the post today and I am likely to be heading West before the post tomorrow I guess that I will not receive final instructions. I have not been to Llandow before so can I assume that I just turn up between 7 and 7.30 in the morning on Saturday?
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Llandow finals landed in the inbox late last night. Shout if you want any info *smile*


Scrutineering and signing on from 7.30 - 10

Walk the course any time before 8.45

Parade laps from 9

First practice from 9.30


Lots of time to slot a bacon butty in between seeing the scrutineers and starting the main business of the day *cool*


See you there *wavey*



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