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Re-build questions / options


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Although I haven't yet started stripping the car for the re-build I'm trying to get my ducks in a row and will have a number of questions. The latest being.......


1. I have a standard S3 dash and I'm thinking that this might be an opportunity to do something a little different. It there a different configuration for the dials and switches. The Stack dash is a bit rich for me so will be sticking with the UDO dials but is there anything stopping me from using the CSR buttons? What kind of play is there in the wiring harness under the dash for alternatives?

These rather than these

(although I know that high and dip beam might be tricky without storks)


2. Hand brake. I'm assuming that converting to a tunnel mounted lever would be a good idea. Is there any reason why not?


3. Undertray - Running a dry sump pump would is be preferable to fit a partial undertray to protect the sump belt from gravel. If fitted would it hamper installation or future maintenance. here



4. Headlamps - Recently there was a post on BC with a link to an image of a lowered headlamp stay. I'm struggling to find a link.


5. For the re-build I'll be needing some chassis stands. What are the recommendations for types of stands?


I'll have some more questions over the next few weeks.






Edited by - tigger on 10 Feb 2011 19:10:58


Edited by - tigger on 10 Feb 2011 19:33:30

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All personal preference, but I'm not a huge fan of the new switches... If getting a new dash I'd go for loads of toggle switches 😬


I'm not sure you'll be able to convert to a tunnel lever without a trip to arch - the mounting bracketry is not there as far as I know. Though you could fab something up to use a trigger handbrake... 🥰


Undertray - protects from gravel, catches dirt, traps heat, pros and cons...


Freestyle, Seven Speed and CC all do lower brackets now I think... SS look good for £80 the pair, as they retain both mounting points.


Chassis stands - make your own out of some timber!

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1. Those switches will require relays to operate most things as they aren't made to take high currents. I had my car rewired last year using those switches and it took lots of time to set them up to work properly especially getting the illumination right. Caterham use a bespoke control board which they sell for about £300 - I should have bought one of them!


5. I made some out of 4x4 fence posts and some heavy duty castors but machine mart sell some decent ones for not too much money.

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1. If you're keeping the same gauges then ask Bruce at Arch to provide a dash panel without any holes for switches and then fit your own where you prefer. I guess, if need be, Bruce would supply a completely blank dash.


2. My 7 has an under the dash handbrake, which rarely gets used anyway, but when it does it's sufficient. I quite like the idea of the plain tunnel top and hence have never considered moving mine.


3. My Zetec conversion has exposed belts and I'll be makng an untray from wire mesh which will simply be cable-tied on. It won't trap heat, but should prevents ingress on stones.


5. I managed to comfortably re-build mine on cheapo Halford axle-stands

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1. Shaun, Thanks for the heads-up..... I'l stick with something more conventional, but picking up on MOCA2CV I've done a bit of surfing 'tinterweb' http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.cbsonline.co.uk/pub/files/Products/Electrical/Switches/Chrome_Toggle_Switches/.thumbnails/1289488395_tsga_w250_h250.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.cbsonline.co.uk/product/TOGGLE_SWITCH_GUARD_SWGUARD&usg=__e7OpMOHx_qNNF-hiuOYP7uYtMz4=&h=239&w=250&sz=18&hl=en&start=35&zoom=1&tbnid=O2PaS-YV4hHkLM:&tbnh=138&tbnw=144&ei=QP9UTbixN4iIhQeN54iiDA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtoggle%2Bswitch%2Bprotector%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Den%26biw%3D1219%26bih%3D625%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=811&vpy=204&dur=2408&hovh=191&hovw=200&tx=144&ty=125&oei=L_9UTcNynoCEB_TDpMkM&page=3&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:16,s:35


2. Chris, Agreed, the clean lines of the tunnel are nice but I'm hoping to drive the car on the road a bit more and wondering if I could really live with the handbrake under the dash, especially with a 4 point harness. Not fully decided yet *confused*


3. Good point about heat build up, a mesh might be a better proposition.


5. Thinking about the working height I'm now thinking about a set of these. Good value at £21ea. It'll save my back too. I just have to borrow some bodies to lift the chassis on and off (without the engine!)



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Quoting Tigger: 

2. Chris, Agreed, the clean lines of the tunnel are nice but I'm hoping to drive the car on the road a bit more and wondering if I could really live with the handbrake under the dash, especially with a 4 point harness. Not fully decided yet *confused*



I only speak from personal experience etc, but so far I've managed over 50k with harnessess and it really isn't a problem



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