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If they are 4mm rivets as per a 7, then use a 4.1mm drill - much easier.

How long will a drill bit stay sharp? Ie how many rivets wil lit drill out?

How long is a piece of string? Longevity depends on quality of drill and what you are drilling. Just keep using until it gets blunt or breaks. Have a couple of spares.

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You need to find out what size rivets thay are, so you can just take out the core.

I would use the same size drill as used for drilling the hole for the installation.


As for life of the drill bit, that depends on the material of the bit, your cutting speed etc.


Only dead fish go with the flow....!

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i usually use a bigger drill than the hole to take the head off the rivet then punch the core of the rivet through. you will have problems drilling right throught the rivet as the steel rivet pin left in the pop rivet will fight the drill.


Kevin R


black(but sometimes orange)-ali HPC


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Thanks for all the wise words. I am now a de-panelling expert. I used a 4mm drill for 4mm rivets. I could dril some out very easily and some stuck as the drill span on the remains of the mandril. I became quite quick at spotting the stuck ones and just came back and used my centre punch on them.


The panels were also sikaflexed on which made removal quite a painful job. Boy does that stuff stick!


Lots of powder coat came off with the sikaflex. Makes caterham's powder coat look good quality!! The chassis is getting shot blasted and re-coated , so that's fine. All in all a fun activity.



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