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Yippee - that would be me then - and it was about the time I was grumbling to myself about not ever being spotted in the rain without the roof *smile*


I was on my way to Harlow to our DR site and will be doing the same again tomorrow.


Did I miss you flash or wave?




Green/Yellow 2006 1.6K Roadsport SV

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Hi Phil *wavey*

You were doing 10mph in the queue about 700 mtrs from the A12. I was cutting the hedge just off the hard shoulder I spotted you too late to give the thumbs up *thumbup*

I will be between the 127 and the first layby tomorrow morning so if you see 3 oiks cutting a hedge give us a toot. The chaps will be most impressed *cool*



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Hi Dignity *wavey*,


So were you the chap on his mobile walking towards the van or one of the two still cutting the hedge?


I got soaked coming home this evening but still did it without stopping to put the half roof on - weather forcast looks bad for tomorrow so I may be forced to use the roof as I have to be "smart" tomorrow due to managers being at the dr site for a full test.


If I see you I will toot and flash (ooh err). Dont be surprised if a black puma does the same as my partner saw you this morning as well and has said she will look out for you *smile*


Green/Yellow 2006 1.6K Roadsport SV

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Hi Phil,

We cannot start until it's light enough which was about 0740 today.

Sorry to here about your soaking ☹️ To stay dry you need to put your foot down more old chap 😬

A few of us Essex boys (and girls) are trying to get together for a Track Day towards the end of March here

If you are interested then send me a blat mail



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I was making progress on the A120 heading home and was looking at how heavy the rain was looking through the headlights - and not a drop had touched me other than the drops coming over the top of the screen but I had to slow down for joining the A127 and was drenched from that point until I got indoors.


Where are you tomorrow morning as I will be back in Harlow again but will not be leaving home until after 07.30


Love the sound of a track day but will need to get approval from the boss.




Green/Yellow 2006 1.6K Roadsport SV

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Hi Mike *wavey* - you are right - I do want to *thumbup*


Dignity, you just had to mention the roof didnt you *smile* now everyone knows I wimped out this morning ☹️


Well it turns out I am back in Harlow tomorrow so will be looking out for you again, but I may be a bit too early for daybreak - mind you it is Friday and I am sure I can justify a late start *smile*


Green/Yellow 2006 1.6K Roadsport SV

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