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O/T RAM upgrades (and Graphics Card too!)


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Dell 531 has a 300W power supply. Not huge, but should be enough (I run three disks, 8GB RAM, two DVD drives and a fairly hungry graphics card off 400W). Beware that Dell power supplies are sometimes proprietary, in both size and connectors. A quick Google suggests that the 531 power supply IS standard ATX (despite what Dell will tell you) but I'd leave it alone unless you seem to be having problems.
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Just to clarify - the 1gb on the gfx card is SOLELY for the Gfx card to use - it is completely different from the RAM on your motherboard.


More is generally better, but it depends on the card architecture and chip structure as to how much difference the extra GFX memory makes.


So don't worry that 3.5+1>4!!


tomshardware is THE site for reviews, although even they probably struggle to keep up with all the GFX cards that come out these days...



my mind is blank....

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