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Im new to this. I'm looking to buy my first car.

I like these two.



I would appreciate any comments or advice on the cars, and if you think the price is about right.

Unfortunately I live about 4 hours drive away so I want to be fairly sure before I travel.

Many thanks

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You've posted links to 2 very different cars, one is an SV, the other a normal S3.


I would suggest you head down to Caterham Midlands (assuming your Leicestershire location is correct) and proverbially try them for size, they're very different. I'm not comfortable in an SV, it's too big (no comments from anyone please *wink*) so wouldn't even consider one irrespective of how nice it might be.


Buying from a dealer will 99% of the time be more expensive than from a private sale. Although I'd be wary of buying a normal tintop privately, buying a 7 can be somewhat different, 7 club members cars tend (sweeping generalisation I know) to be a bit better cared for, after all you're probably buying from another enthusiast.


Talk to other members at your local area meetings, sit in their cars, kick their tyres and try to build your ideal specification, then go hunting...you probably won't find it exactly, but you might find one close that then with a little bit of extra spending it turns into what you want.


You'll also need to think about what you want to use the car for, touring, sunday blats, sprinting or trackdays...the fun is almost endless. The private sale car is on 16" wheels so your choice of rubber / what it works well for is more limited....will you buy a second set of wheels (if you have splace to keep them) or do you need to have a single set that does everything?...a lot of people will also say the 16's aren't that good on the road either (I don't agree as I run mine day to day on them - but have multiple sets of rims for wet trackdays, dry trackdays....you get the picture!)


Best of luck in your search....when you find the right car you'll have a blast 😬




The name's Puff, Powder Puff



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You have listed a S3 and a SV there. I would suggest that first of all you need to decide which chassis size suits you best. Either get yourself over to Cat Midlands or a local meet (or both) and try 'em on for size.


I am S3 height, but have a SV width 🙆🏻. I decided to struggle with entry and exit and go for a S3 as I felt I was a bit lost in the SV cockpit.


Having only been made since c 2001, SVs come up for sale less frequently and command a slight premium over S3s.

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Car 1

Car 2


OK, so you want a red one! 😬. Great.

Differences -

One is an SV the other is an S3. Decide which size you want. Do you really need a big 7? Consider the power/weight ratio - although you have a similar difference in engine power in the two links.

Private sale or dealer? The reassurance of a guarantee or the value from a private sale?

The first has minilite 14" rims whereas the second has 16" HPC rims, the former are considered to handle better (I suspect that more Sevens use 13" rims than other size).

I suggest that you find your nearest meeting before taking the next step. How about taking your laptop and a USB dongle along so that you can examine some of the choices?



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