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CORRECTION >Updated championship standings


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Championship Standings after 12 rounds of the Freetsyle Motorsport Lotus 7 Club Speed Championship


I have messed up the way we do the record scoring totally, (should have read the regs i suppose 😳) so have removed that section and will look to post a correction as soon as I can


Thanks to Mr Price for pointing this out to me 😳


Overall Championship


Currently 3 competitors on 700 points for 7 wins: Andrew Willoughby, Matthew Jenkins and Richard Price. Richard and Andrew both have an additional 8th win but Richard is leading based upon his performance against class records (at specific venues) which is the tie breaker. The only other competitors that could challenge for the overall championship are Chris Howard-Harris, Simon Rogers and Mike Sankey. With only class record bonus points available at the next round Wiscombe, all these contenders will be looking to have to break those records.


However to challenge Richard at the top Mike needs to also win all remaining 3 rounds, Chris & Simon 2 out of 3 and Matthew needs another 100 score for a win.


Ladies Championship


It is still a 2 horse race between Lynn Gilbert (476.92) and Suzanne Gibson(473.81). Lynn having increased the gap by half a point at the Aintree event.


Novice Championship


Tom Price (497.32) after another strong performance at Aintree is the 2010 novice champion, as neither David Dowson (480.02) and Chris Bramall (467.65) can catch him now.


Class 1


Andrew Willoughby is the class 1 champion for 2010. Alastair Gibbins (695.38) looks to have done enough for runners up spot, 3rd place looks like a battle between Alan Johnson (681.80) and Paul Brown (678.83)


Class 2


Matthew Jenkins is the class 2 champion for 2010, to add to his 2 previous class 1 championships in 2006 and 2007. 2nd and 3rd place looks a 3 way fight between Graham Howard (690.18), Robert Spencer (688.66) and Alan Bowler (589. 45 from 6 events)


Class 3


Richard Price is the class 3 champion for 2010, to add to his 2 previous class 2 championships in 2006 and 2009. There is a 4 way battle for the runners up positions between Michael Calvert (696.22), Jeff Smith (695.37), Mark Gibson (693.72) and Matthew Willoughby (693.03). All but Michael gained points after Aintree and the pressure is on.


Class 4


This is still a battle between Chris Howard-Harris (699.94) and Mike Sankey (698.76) with Mike gaining nearly a point on Chris after winning at Aintree. Mike still needs to be looking at winning all 3 remaining events. Neither Paul Forster (686.11) or Stuart Miller (678.93) went to Aintree and the battle for 3rd continues, Stuart could still get that spot with a strong finish as he has some low scores to drop.


Class 5


Even though Simon Rogers (699.93) didn’t attend Aintree he is now confirmed as the 2010 Class 5 Champion to make it a hat-trick of class 5 titles, due to Mark Durrant(694.41) failing to take the vital win he needed to keep his championship aspirations alive. The battle for 2nd and 3rd is between Mark, Adrian Williams (697.72) and possibly Rob Grigsby (692.87) who was the winner at Aintree.


Class 6


As no competitor will be able to complete 7 rounds this year there will be no Class 6 champion for 2010.





Edited by - robmar on 8 Sep 2010 19:42:34

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indeed but them Wiscombe does have its own weather patterns, however with the wettish weather over that last few weeks i suspect it wil be green under the trees.


Class 4 record = 42.80




Richards demolishing of Dave McFarlanes old class 3 record by over a second has been the big reason for his strong position


In fact 3 other drivers beat that old record tom, Jeff and Mark Gibson on the day *thumbup*




Edited by - robmar on 8 Sep 2010 12:17:51


Edited by - robmar on 8 Sep 2010 19:43:31

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Hi Guys.

Well done to everyone - looks like its yours Richard !


Currently posting this from Hospital after being rushed in this morrning. Bloody kidney stone. They worst pain I have ever experienced (Other than being Beat by the Chairman on a Welsh hill somewhere).


So to those of you battling for something - behave!


I was hoping to speak to the Class 4 protagonists before the weekend. Chaps I know I don't need to explain it much and your safety is not really what I am concerned about as there are quite a few of us that have proven how strong these cars are - BUT please bring them home in one piece.


Try hard and enjoy.


By the way I wasn't planning on being there this weekend anyway so I'm out of the overall fight anyway.


Hope to be home later if they can ultra sound me later.

Are you suposed to swith your Blackberry off whilst locked up? How fast do these beds go?


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Sorry to hear of your pain but don't worry the best is yet to come. I had kidney stones a few years back and the only way I can describe the pain on passing them is like peeing a razor blade *eek*. The Doctor will tell you to drink more, but it will be water not Bow ☹️


I have some pictures from Curborough that Michael C sent me and I'll forward these to Steve this afternoon. I also have a few shots of Richard and his 'Topiary' 😬 which I will also send him.


Hope your back home soon *thumbup*




Mark D

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Get well soon. I have been there and have the T shirt and painful memories to go with it. You may find yourself drinking a lot of water in the years to come to avoid any further occurancies


I was advised by my doctor that the pain is similar to childbirth but prolonged and without the option of an epidural. How true this is I don't know, but it didn't get me any sympathy from the missus!!


With regrard to the Novice chanpionship, well done to Tom, a worthy champion, head and shoulders above the rest of us.




willi win, no...

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Ouch. I ended up in casualty with a kidney stone last year. I think it was

the G forces at MIRA that caused it to start its journey down 😳

I tried drinking neat vinegar to disolve it. An aquired taste...


[Well done to Matt J winning class 2, and automatic promotion to class 3]



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Glad you are back home safely Simon - those hospitals are dangerous places - just think of the doctors you know.....

From now on I am sticking to red wine as a proven kidney stone preventer (OK - just made that up, but you never know 😬)

I am sure Chris and I will come to a sensible agreement on Saturday and both take it easy - we will just have to make sure the others do the same!

Luckily I have my minder to make sure I am fit on Saturday morning, although he was a bit lacking in his duties last weekend *cool*


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Lyn, I will of course be encouraging Mike to take it easy on Saturday if you will encourage Chris the same!


Don't want those boys too far ahead as I need a high score and will certainly be taking it easy in the wet. Don't want a repeat of last year and have already reminded myself that bunnies is NOT flat in 4th! *eek*


Be a shame to decide the class result before Anglesey 2 anyway......


See you Saturday





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Simon - ouchhhhh *eek* *eek* *eek* Got my legs crossed just thinking about Glad you are home and on the mend - see you in the Isle of Mon *wavey*


Mike - looks like you and me have to decide if Richard should be overall champion or not 😬 😬 Could be worth a long conversation (in Welsh of course) over several bottles of good red wine on Friday night *wink* *wink*


I'll be good if you'll be good - now can you trust a saga severner *confused* *confused*


C *wavey*


If only everything in life was as simple as a 7!!

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