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Castle Combe Intermarque Sat 2nd October

Fishy Dave

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Hello, My first and only races this year, John Chasey and I will be head to head in class C, in two races on the day. We'd be happy to see some friendly faces for a bit of support. Our series (BARC Intermarque) will be clubbed together with a saloon car challenge, making a very packed 42 car grid! <img class='"smiley"' alt='"eek' src='"images/smilies/eek.gif"' smiley"="" data-cke-saved-src=""> It will be my first time out on track with the new engine and gearbox and different tyres, so qualifying could be an interesting learning experience! Full programme of races here - Castle Combe Finals day Cheers, Dave David Smitheram, Wiltshire (South) Joint AR, 07718 368173. Used to be a 1400, now 1600 supersport race car

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Well, a bit of a mixed meeting for me. I got my wish of good weather (I had no wets!) and was hoping to give you a run for your money John *wink*. Instead I was slower in qualifying than I was last year with my 1400 and 5 speed box 😳 *confused*


I put it down to a lack of commitment and no practise on my part. Both races were incident free except for one near miss when a Tiger spun at camp corner, requiring myself and the fireblade Caterham next to me to take avoiding action. Many who spoke to me afterwards thought we had actually collided, it was that close! *eek*


With smaller numbers racing, I found that I didn't have much to battle against. I finished 13th in both races, and a long way behind John Chasey (well driven sir).


Since the race I have spent a lot of time comparing data, and now believe I have a power problem. It shows I exit Camp at similar speeds to last year, but by the time I reach Avon Rise I am slower! Very strange, as it feels like the car is quicker than before, indeed it should be as it has a 1600 with verniers and porting and a 6 speed? I have booked in for a RR session to check if the ignition is retarded or if I have a fuelling issue.


Depending on the results I hope to come along to Brands. *smile*




David Smitheram, Wiltshire (South) Joint AR, 07718 368173.

Used to be a 1400, now 1600 supersport race car www.racelife.co.uk

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Some thoughts on the data log Dave (I'm still learning on how to interrogate these so reader beware *smile*), based on our best lap times:


The biggest time advantage I have is along the pitlane and approaching avon rise, two factors here, I'm taking Camp at a higher speed and keeping a lot of that speed through the corner, which makes a difference along the straight. However you definitely seem to top out at 106mph while I get up 115mph. Your revs are not hitting the limiter though, so checking things out on a rolling road would be a good idea.


On the other hand, I have a brake dab before the rise, so you gain a bit back, but we're similar through the corner itself. First set of chicanes you take a lot faster (10mph) but I've caught up by the exit - possibly too fast in here?


I'm braking a fair bit later at Tower and am faster through the the first part of the corner, similar exit speeds. Again you take the next chicane faster, but exit speeds are similar.


All in all, you've got the edge on the chicane entry, but they are making less difference to the overall lap times than Camp & Tower, plus the power issue means you're struggling to hit the top speed.


Get that sorted and I think things will be a lot closer.



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Hi John,


Thanks for looking at the data. Your conclusions are very similar to mine actually, I had both pcs playing our laps at the same time.

By the second race I was dabbing the brakes on the exit of the esses so I got a better run into Old Paddock which seemed slightly faster for me, but only slight.


Your'r right about the later braking into Tower and Camp, something I need to work on again (I was faster here last year *confused*). I don't think it helped that I wasn't battling with anyone for much of the races, as that tends to bring on a bit of late braking!


I'm booked in with the Circuit Motors on Monday 18th, so will see what they find on the rollers.


Thanks again. *smile*


David Smitheram, Wiltshire (South) Joint AR, 07718 368173.

Used to be a 1400, now 1600 supersport race car www.racelife.co.uk

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I was trying to catch the Tiger and Silhouette in front of me during the first race in the last few laps, but they were a couple of hundred yards ahead - that was when I did my best lap time.


A chase definitely brings takes an extra second or two off your time, as long as you're not too close - the Tigers are much faster on the straight with their 2l engines, but handling round the corners is not their strong point for the majority of them.


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