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Simon Ephithite

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One real benefit of getting the TB's and airbox from Oily is the technical support you will get when fitting and setting up.


It is not to be under estimated as the TB's are not a 'bolt on' upgrade and require fettling of various elements to make a good job.


I should know as i just did this myself with exactly the parts Mr Locust suggests and now have a very good set up with thanks to Oily.





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Just finished upgrading my Roadsport A racecar (1.6SS) to MBE and Jenveys, it already has verniers so I indexed them to oily's recommended lift for t/b's at the same time and the entire transformation is far better than I was expecting with the eagerness at the top end vastly improved.


Vast help from Steve Broughton for the MBE and mapping and Jenveys direct, I'm not running filters at present but will engineer something in time, modding the t/b's to make the linkage work well and dril and tap a spigot for the head bleed pipe is fiddly but nothing a competant diy'er cant do (oily had a good set of pics on his site).


If you wanted to have a look I only live in Basingstoke so very happy for a chat.


It's a shame you've already got the Emerald as I am also trying to engineer a new K6 onto a Sigma powered rally car and will never touch them again, loads of problems witht the ECU (IACV PWM, injector durations calc wrong when using older K3 maps, and numerous other things,there's another thread from yesterday by someone detailing similar things) the customer support from them has been nothing short of attrocious and the unit has been back to them once to be sorted and half the promised functions dont exist. We have spent hours re-mapping it on the road with a wb lambda just to get it going enough to take to Steve Greenald next week. Emerald supplied a base map from a similar engine (but running on a K3) and due to the lack of testing of the K6 it just doesn't work correctly.



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