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Intermittent Wipe


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Yes, I know - not really technical, but driving me bonkers none the less.


My Owner's Handbook says on the subject of windscreen wipers "2 position switch to provide low and high speed continuous wipe. In addition an intermittent wipe can be activated by switching to low speed and then off again. Repeat to deactivate.".


Really? I can't get this to work, and I've tried various lengths of pauses. Is there some sort of knack to this, or is intermittent wipe just not an option on a 2005 1.4 K-Series Seven?




It's life Jim, but not as WE know it!

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I made my own using a standard time circuit I threw together. Wiring it in is not always straight forward as you need to look how the contacts work inside the dash switch. From memory, the there are four pins staggered vertically.







in the top position, the switch connects pins 1 and 2...this activates the 'return to home' mode so to speak


in the middle position (slow), it connects 2 to 3


and in the last, it connects 3 to 4.


Pin 3 is the positive pin.


the trick is to have a relay with pin 2 as the common pin which makes short pulse connecting pin 2 to 3 and then (during the delay period) connects pin 2 to pin 1 so that the wipers return to home during the delay.


If you want to build one yourself, I can help you...much cheaper (about £10 or so). I should make these and sell them :)


Instead of building the circuit yourself, I know a kit (which on hindsight I should have bought) that will save you the effort. Edited to say that his is even better than the lucas you would have a knob on the dash so you can change the delay :)



Edited by - jakeandlizzy on 23 Jul 2010 17:59:25

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I had the same thought Giles. I might have a word with my local motor factors now that I know what the part no is.....


Bri - That has always worked for me in the past. 😬


Peter - not sure I fancy picking the flies out of my teeth! *wink*


It's life Jim, but not as WE know it!


Thanks jakeandlizzy, I'll give that some thought.




Edited by - Mort on 23 Jul 2010 18:07:44

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'Fraid not Giles. *smile* eBay doesn't appeal to me any more, as there are too many scammers these days. *thumbdown* But I do appreciate your taking the trouble to post the link. *thumbup*




It's life Jim, but not as WE know it!


Edited by - Mort on 26 Jul 2010 10:15:36

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