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Wiper Fuse


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The 15 amp fuse for my wipers (150 Sigma SV) blows quite often. At the PBC at Caterham Mids they suggested that it was due to friction but having cleaned the screen etc and driven quite a few miles in the rain without a problem, I'm sure the problem lies elsewhere. The fuse seems to blow the instant I switch the switch (matbe one in ten times) and I wonder if the switch is faulty.


Any ideas?


Peter C

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I don't know whether this is possible or even if the the fuse type is available but maybe replace the fuse and replace with a motor rated fuse type which designed to get over the intial inertia .We use these types of fuses all the in the electrical trade, and one company you ca try is the fuse company if they cant get you one they dont exist.Just a thought has the linkage been damaged or anything snagging the linkage http://www.thefusecompany.com/


regards phil


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I misled you slightly cos it does still happen but by no means everytime. I do get the impression that not giving the switch a firm push makes the difference. Its a bit like the other question a few items down from this one about hazard switches. perhaps the switches are c.r.a.p.?


Peter C

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Peter C - funny enough, the very first time I switched my wipers on and used the washer jets the fuse blew! Seems OK now but I suspect the initial current drain presented by a struggling motor and/or combined with washer jets is greater than the fuse rating. I'm keeping a few spares handy for a rainy day!
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The very purpose of motor rated fusing is to get over any sticky rotational problems a motor could have without blowing so this would work even if you have a poor quality switch,also the contacts within the switch could be carbonised which would add resistance to the circuit, I think your assessment of crap switches is a firm possibility but not backed by the response you have had,good luck and post your cure when you find it.


Regards Phil

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FRICTION *evil* Wallys *rolleyes*


Certainly not by wipers on the screen, maybe the drive cable is binding but if it blows as soon as you put it on i'd look for a short somewhere, cable damage causing shorts to earth or a dodgy switch. If you've a meter check the current draw on start up and in operation to try and see what is happening.


You shouldn't need a motor rated fuse for this

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Are you sure there isn't another circuit spliced into the wiper circuit?


I was having to replace the fuse even more regularly - it turned out the intercom had been put on that circuit and the extra load was causing it to blow. Since removing the intercom from that circuit it has not blown at all...


Just a thought! *wink*

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I have exactly the same problem, new build roadsport 125, and I suspect the wiper switch. If I switch it slowly, the fuse blows, if I jab quickly at the switch it's OK.

As a work around untill I can be bothered to look at the switch I got a resettable fuse- its got a little tit which pops out when it blows so I can just reach under the dash and reset it, got it from RS components ~£7



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