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Call me a great big queen

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I think I need to get a grip, I nearly cried with another man today *eek*


Long story short, told my farrier that my horse he has looked after for 18 years will only need one more shoeing, in a sort of manner of fact blokey way while he was doing my horses feet.


I have annoyed all around me about this fact for the last few weeks to get used to the fact of life (and death) of an old friend going. (Thanks Roy despite it being incomprehensible to you and very boring).


Anyway my farrier has been around horses all his life, seen many gone, hunted and shot for years, looked at me and gave me that little lost baby look and it's not even his horse.


My horses are the longest he has looked after on his books.


So during the last week of september first week of october watch the weather forecast and if it goes wet and cold and I post a whole load of sh1t don't worry I will just be raising a dram to the best horse that ever graced this planet.




(I'll link this thread when he's gone, he was an absolute STAR)

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  • 2 months later...

Last week of September and the old boy is in his stable munching away *thumbup*.


Doubled his daily medicine for his arthritic legs plus a warm sunny september and he is moving better than he did two months ago *biggrin*


My wifes horse who is a year younger has however got alot worse on a front arthritic knee so has had her medication doubled as well.


Two bullets coming but NOT yet, when I started this thread I really thought they would be gone by now.


On a plus side I have lost 3/4 stone to prepare for not mucking out each day (about an hours exercise each morning) so when they are gone I don't become a fat bast@rd.


Thanks for sharing - its therapy don't yer know.



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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Now just remembering all the good times, two weeks later, after one of the hardest things I have ever done.


Have gone through the trophies/rosetts/pictures/paper clippings of competitions won and lost. Spoken to people who helped looked after them or learnt to ride on them, just two horses brought much joy to many people.


I even today thought about buying my next ned and what I would do with him/her - soon I won't be a queen but "a King upon his Horse" again *smile*



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Ash - we all feel good when we look at you


Sometime in the future when some ugly mf alien lands here, they will look around at all the beauty on this planet - the majestic flora and fauna - we won't need bombs to get rid of them - they will feel so unworthy in their uglyness they will want to leave, and then, finally they will chance upon Sheep Shagger Bailey and suddenly they will know, despite having two heads, ten armpits and two 🙆🏻's someone, somewhere, called Bailey looks worse than them *wink* *tongue* *thumbup*




(ps I'm back 😬 😬 😬)



Saw blades here


How to drive a car here



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*arrowup* *arrowup*


They had a very similar card in the shop where the word was masked with peel-off tape! The word began with a "C" *eek*


When I paid for the card I asked the girl behind the counter if they sold many... "Loads" she replied. It seems many people who know you visit Praed Street in London, where i got that card! *tongue*



*arrowup* Dicky, don't start boyo, don't do it.... *tongue* *tongue*




If this is paradise, I wish I had a lawnmower 😬


Webshots here

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