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How not to drive top Ess


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A few of you have kindly posted videos from yesterday showing how the hill should be driven *smile*


Thought I would post one showing how not to drive top Ess - too much speed, too little ability, too early in the day, too little grip, too much understeer - take your pick of excuses ☹️ *redface*



I have cut the video before the car arrived at top paddock, the video of what happens in top paddock can remain a secret untill the end of season - Stuart, Mike, Richard, Jeff - you are on video 😬 😬 😬


Chris *wavey*


If only everything in life was as simple as a 7!!


Edited by - Chris101 on 4 Jul 2010 21:07:57

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Ouch, that bank is quite hard isn't it? as you say just a little too much speed, too much understeer and it's amazing how much can go wrong. Oh well as least you're fine, the car is easily fixable.


Didn't Mr.Nelson have a slightly less eventful but not that dissimilar bank moment last year?


Rob G


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It did all happen a bit quickly didn't it?

I must admit that the first time through I was a bit surprised by the lack of grip.

Glad you are OK -but now wondering exactly what we did say that has been caught on camera - nothing slanderous I hope *rolleyes*


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i seemed to struggle more in the afternoon with getting the power down out of top S, with some sideways action ont he way out which realy compromised my time ☹️


do you have any data logs showing your corner speeds for the S's



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