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Internal Server Error


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On posting a reply I was getting the 'Error Type 500 - internal server error' message. Luckily I checked whether the reply had actually succeeded before trying again.


From experience this is caused by a SQL syntax problem and given that the reply is actually getting saved then... does the update routine do anything after adding the reply? Updating the user profile for example?

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HTTP 500 - Internal server error

Internet Explorer


ARRRGGGHHH!!! *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad*



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yes it does a few things


1) updates the time and date of the last post and the number of replies in this topic


2) updates the time and date of the last post and the number of posts in this forum


3) updates the user's post count


4) updates the total number of posts overall

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Hoops - actually having one of my busiest weeks for quite a while - but hardware problems not software which is giving me a bit of a chance to check emails out...


I'll probably go quiet again soon...

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Mr Site Manager, Sir.


There's probably a bit of SQL with dodgy syntax in one of these four actions. I've been having a similar problem(s) with another 7's related site that I'm writing (ASP based as well - I'm using Access as the backend, but not sure what you're using).


The method I've evolved of finding where the problem is is to put Response.End fairly high up the page (i.e. before one of the areas where the problem could be occurring) then test and move the Response.End down the page until the problem occurs.


It was usually something silly like a data type mismatch (forgot the quotes, etc), or I've changed the backend and not the query. It doesn't tend to happen with a SELECT, just an UPDATE or INSERT.


Is it intermittent? Affecting everyone or just particular people?


Sorry if I'm teaching you to suck eggs :o)


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seems to be intermittent. ☹️


I don't get it whilst testing here at home or on the test site that I have which is on the same server as BlatChat.


There are a couple of potential issues. Of course when I put the views count in, I have increased the workload on the server/database quite considerably, just take a look at the number of views compared with posts and work out how many more database updates there are now.


I suspect that the problem might be that I'm running on an Access backend too, and given that there were over 150 people connected earlier on today, the problems might just stem from that.


Who knows *confused*


Also it would be a lot more useful if I had some error messages to go on. Can you turn "friendly error messages" off in your browser and let me know the details when it happens next.




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I've taken the friendly error messages off but of course it's refusing to fall over now *confused*


Access gets a bit flaky with larger databases, but I wouldn't have thought you'd have reached that point yet.


I'll do the same thing with my project and if anything likely raises its head there I'll let you know.

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