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K Series Upgrade


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hmmm... it seems ingenious but, if you wanted more power then 10 bhp is never going to satisfy you so why not get a programmable ECU and do it properly 🤔


I understand its cheaper, but if you have 200 quid spare then a set of sticky tyres/a lap timer/an aeroscreen etc etc would surely be a better investment 🤔


HOOPY CYCLE WINGS *thumbup* CUCUMBER *thumbdown*

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I am of the opinion, based upon the sheer number of complainants heard, that the MEMS is fairly universally badly set up on Caterhams, so I believe many/most/all people are likely to see improvements by the simple application of a "proper" ECU. Whether this "improvement" falls into the category of bhp or just throttle response depends upon the particular engine. I'd say ALL engines will benefit from improved throttle response.


I mean, my SLR ran better with Rob Day's Emerald WITH HIS MAP installed for a 1.6 DVA'd K than my SLR's MEMS EVER DID (not comparing to the rough running I was experiencing at the time). I guess that there might have been a problem using over longer periods than the short blasts up and down the car park, but it was certainly an amazing revelation at the time.


I am also at the stage where I believe so much K series engine tuning has already happened that there are now a number of clear-cut paths you can take depending upon what you start with, where you want to go, and how much wongeelio you have to play with at this time. One day I might catalogue some of those options but for what you've stated Tom, it seems the exhaust followed by the ECU will grant you minor improvements immediately and set you up perfectly for all future upgrades.


Worcs L7 club joint AO.//Membership No. 4379//Azure Blue SLR No. 0077//Se7ens List Tours


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And just remember that caterham don't set up the Supersport cams with optimum timing either...


My 1.6 Supersport worked very well on the MEMS. The plenum was responsible for the slight lethargy in the throttle response. I didn't get the hanging revs that some people get. So I would disagree that the MEMS is wrong in all cases... however... seeing as caterham seem unable to swiftly resolve problems when they do occur, and considering the poor development of the SLR's MEMS installation there are many circumstances where a sensibly applied aftermarket ECU can solve lots of problems.


Over 22 months I have run 30 versions of my map on my engine, gradually refining it to its current state. I have comments on each of the setups and I have full traceability - I can see exactly what changes I made and when I made them. This process involved correcting *faults* left in the fuelling map after the initial mapping session as well as driveability and starting refinements. The aftermarket ECU thing is slightly dangerous if you can't trust the map (the fuel pressure, the porting...) - there is a liability issue if you supply a map and get it wrong. The work to get a map right is more than the small number of hours that is normally spent, although the basics will be there from the initial session.


I disagree with the Dunnell approach of keeping everything secret, but I think the Emerald approach needs some work as well. It needs a good librarian for all the maps and an after-sales support role to collect information on how the installations have worked on the road and track.

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