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IVA test FAIL due to inadequate wing mirror!


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Hi All,

Sorry to raise similar topics on two forums but just to give myself the best possible chance of someone seeing this issue and having a good solution...


My whole IVA fail saga is here: http://www.blatchat.com/t.asp?id=186824


The main issue I have is that the tester says that the passenger side wing mirror does not give a wide enough field of view. I now need to source a new mirror or some kind of attachment that gives a wider view. I suppose something with a convex shape would be best.


Can anyone think of a good solution?







Duratec R300 SV build in progress

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My car (Roadsport 150 SV) is currently with Caterham Midlands having its PBC. When my kit was delivered I arranged to spend a couple of hours with their guys in the workshop to pick up any build tips but more importantly to find out what problems they were having with the IVA test at the Nottingham test centre where all their cars go and where mine will be going next week (rightly or wrongly I have got CC to present mine)

One of the things they did tell me about was the exposed wishbone locknut which they had just started having problems with at the test centre. Their solution is to use the same rubber boots as used on the front anti roll bar, slit them and tie wrap them to the wishbone. If done properly they are OK and are passing the test. I was able to get some and fit them myself before taking the car to CC.

As far as the other problems go, the wing mirror seems to be potentially the main problem. I feel that this is something that CC need to address and not simply leave you (and potentially me) having to sort out although I am not aware that Nottingham have raised that as a problem yet!.

The SVA pack within by kit contained plastic caps for the harness bolts which clip on very securely.

It sounds like mine will be tested before your re-test so I will let you know how it goes

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Peter - thanks for the tip. I have had a quick look at their website. Very snazzy kit but I was hoping for something cheaper!


GJH - Good info there. I will ask Sean for some of those boots this week after having a root around in the leftover bits from the build.


I reckon you will have no problem with the mirror. It must have passed hundreds of times. I wonder if anyone else has been through the Leighton Buzzard test centre recently?


Good luck with the test. Do report how you get on - good or bad.


The IVA test is a big issue for self builders and the more information that goes on these threads the better for future victims who are researching build tips.







Duratec R300 SV build in progress

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I had the same conversation during SVA, can't see the marks on the wall came the statement from the inspector, have you adjusted the mirrors I asked?


Huh? came the reply


I then pointed out that he was some 4-5 inches shorter than me and wouldn't that have some bearing on his field of vision..............


Dun no....... came the reply


Well you stay there and I'll walk around and adjust them for you ..........



It then passed *rolleyes*


Must admit it was funny watching him struggle to get his fat little body twisted enough to attached the pressure sensor on the brake pedal though - it was like watching an episode of It's a knockout with the big foam characters - must admit I was like Stuart Hall over in the corner doubled up with laughter - must have seen me as the padantic 🙆🏻 failed me on something their 'technical helpline' had OK'd prior to the test *mad*





Too young to be old !

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Sorry to see all your problems with Leighton Buzzard. I am presenting my 150SV there on Tuesday so will do my best to learn from your experience and will report back on how it goes. I'll try the same Halfords mirror trick but I think without the rubber trim which shouldn't be necessary ..... lets hope.


Caterham Mids did my post build check last week and they have been having all sorts of difficulty with their local centre, even having to file a radius on the corners of the windscreen wiper blades. There needs to be some agreement across the country so that Caterham can gives us poor sods the right advice and bits!



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Thought I would give you a full report on my IVA experience this morning since there are clearly a few issues brewing, at least in Leighton Buzzard.


The first is the nearside mirror. On the standard test it was considered to be marginal and therefore failed. After discussing the matter with test centre in Gillingham (at Tim Wards suggestion) and VOSA they agreed to conduct a second test called 'the long test'. A new test area was marked out and the new test completed but with similar results to the first and therefore a failure cert (£90????) has been issued. I had the mirrors in the top hole of the stanchion as recommended during the PBC at Caterham Mids and the testers said that gave a better result than middle holes. The field of vision is only fractionally too small and it seems to me that a slightly longer mirror or one with a convex end panel would probably do the trick. Either way its seems clear that they are determined to fail all cars in future. Incidentally I tried to convince them that a stick on mag lens solved the problem but they were having none of that, saying that it was a non permanent solution.


Thanks Martin for alerting me to the uncovered camber angle nuts on the top wish bone. I covered them using the discarded track rod end covers suitably butchered and tied in place. See pic attached. They were very happy with that.


They are very unhappy about the bonnet catch covers because they are not permanent enough. I did pop rivet these on which they appreciated but said that they plan to challenge them in the future.


The tester also said that he was unhappy about the air vents in the top of the bonnet because they fail his 'ball' test. Apparently this has been raised centrally for clarification and is not yet an issue.


Its also worth noting that they were unhappy about the extremely inaccurate speedo ..... until they realised that the car had a diff, and on the rolling road the wheels were going at different speeds! so they drove it around the car park ..... and declared it OK.


Interestingly they didn't mention the studs at the top of the screen, perhaps because I arrived with roof on. Wasn't long before they asked me to take it off though, so they could get in and out.


Its been an expensive day. I have the car booked for a retest next Wednesday so need a solution. They can test as early as this Thursday this week but I (we) need to wait for Caterham to come up with a solution. It sounds very much like all cars will now fail with standard mirrors so I hope they can do something quick!




PS have tried to include the pic but failed. I can email to anyone who wants it.

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The first is the nearside mirror. On the standard test it was considered to be marginal and therefore failed. After discussing the matter with test centre in Gillingham (at Tim Wards suggestion) and VOSA they agreed to conduct a second test called 'the long test'. A new test area was marked out and the new test completed but with similar results to the first and therefore a failure cert (£90????) has been issued. I had the mirrors in the top hole of the stanchion as recommended during the PBC at Caterham Mids and the testers said that gave a better result than middle holes. The field of vision is only fractionally too small and it seems to me that a slightly longer mirror or one with a convex end panel would probably do the trick. Either way its seems clear that they are determined to fail all cars in future. Incidentally I tried to convince them that a stick on mag lens solved the problem but they were having none of that, saying that it was a non permanent solution.


does this depend upon the height of the seated driver ? or is it a bit more scientific than that 🤔



here is my Duratec R .... C7 TOP

Taffia AO

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I don't think driver height or vertical mirror position makes any difference in this case as this particular test is all about field of view WIDTH between two marked poles in the ground behind the tester.


Edited by - MartinH on 27 Apr 2010 17:02:09

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Its not really scientific at all. They put the drivers seat in the full back (worst case) position with head upright lined up with a line on the ground. They then have to be able to see some posts with markers at about 25m distance and about 10m apart. Both posts must be simultaneously in view without moving the head. These are not exact dimensions. I doubt that the top mirror position is any better than the middle but the important thing is that the tester at Leighton Buzzard thinks its better ....... so its better!


I cant find how to attach a pic. Can anyone advise?


Thanks for the advice about curved mirrors.



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Hi Martin

I said I would keep you posted about my PBC and IVA inspection. Anyway got a call from Caterham Midlands this afternoon to tell me they did the PBC yesterday afternoon and took it for its IVA test this morning at Nottingham and it passed!!

I asked whether there were any issues of concern and particularly asked about the mirrors. The guy who did the PBC and presented the car for the IVA test said that he moved the mirrors to the upper position on the stantion because thats where it needs to be for the SV chassis because of the roll cage width (no mention of this in the manual) but as far as I am aware, they were the standard mirrors.

Anyway I'm off to get it registered before they change their mind

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Congratulations on the pass!

Hopefully the new mirrors that CC are sending out will d the trick for me. My SV has lowered floors so I don't know if that has an effect. As mentioned ther issue seemed to be with width of view. He could see over the rear arches ok. He also mentioned that the central mirror was 'useless' due to the fact that the cross braces of the rollover bar were in the way.

Hope you get registered quick. I'd be interested to hear about experiences with that process too. Will the DVLA insist on inspection for example and will they allow you to drive it there. As mentioned one one of my threads recently, I called the DVLA and they said that I *could* drive to an inspection if required - even though all other people I have spoken to on this have said not.

In any case, it will all be over in a couple of weeks...



Duratec R300 SV built but not yet legal...

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For what its worth Caterham Midlands put my car through IVA. It has an aeroscreen so they borrowed the special IVA aeroscreen from the factory (it has big mirrors rather than the S.P.A. ones supplied). It failed! Nottingham IVA centre were unhappy with the field of vision. But that screen passes in Gillingham. They don't get many aeroscreens through IVA - Caterham Midlands said the last one was 2002!.


It shows there is different interpretation of the rule book.


Good luck



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