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K series starting

tony isherwood

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Found this on another forum, (Mind you it was refering to stonking great diesel engines !)


Wondered if it might be pertinate to K series with immobilisers ?



Upon return to the UK I contacted an auto electrician who said that he had

come across this fault before. He said that the immobiliser was fitted in

such a way as to deny the starter motor solenoid sufficient voltage to

operate (signal from ignition switch followed a tortuous route through

immobiliser, causing a voltage drop, then to solenoid). He said this would

be worse in hot weather. He then wired in a relay (signal wire after the

immobilser to pull in feed wire from battery) to give full battery voltage

to the starter solenoid. This seemed a bit simple to me but the proof is in

the eating, and I have had no problems since, and this includes a very hot

3 weeks (early June 2002) in France.



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Tony, this is the fix Paul Richards has been trying out for the last couple of months. It's detailed in another thread somewhere. He tells me it hasn't let him down yet.


I've fitted a relay in this manner in the last couple of days, so we'll see how it goes.



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Yes this is the fix I have been trying and it has worked very successfully for the past few months with not a hint of trouble.

Previously the problem was exaggerated when the battery cut off switch was wired up (it took the current through and even longer tortuous route).

I have now rewired the cut out switch and the problem is still solved (previously it was hopeless and would not start even when only slightly warm).

I must stress that this is not the only problem with starting and this is not a cure for all problems, but it does seem to be the cure for starters with the solenoid on the bottom (Magnetron?)

Search for previous thread - K series starter - The cure? for more details.


Paul R.


K series that starts when hot!!


Edited by - Paul Richards. on 21 Aug 2002 16:22:45

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I've had the same problem (see previous threads) & wired the starter(Magneton) via a relay. No problems over the past month or so including hot days in France on Le-Sept. I suspect it's caused by the Vecta imobiliser (or maybe the ignition switch). Vecta is being removed over the winter.



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