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O/T - remember my engineering survey? Do you like my design and how much is it worth?


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above comments where why I mentioned a comments box, as a marketing and design exercise ok but as a producion tool it would only work for loose nuts either on or off the shaft it would not be so good for tight nuts ( *eek*) as I am sure you are aware. Thats why I put a low price on tool, maybe a decent chain drive would be a different story but even then it would need careful design and testing





CSR 200 Aztec and Black

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I did consider a chain, but have chosen a belt because it takes far less maintenance and is lighter. I did wonder for a while whether a belt could take enough torque, but then I remembered that toothed belts are ok for driving Harleys, so I reckon it would be fine for turning a nut.


back here because I want to be.

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I totally agree that being able to handle the torque will be critical and it has been a concern of mine during the functional design. For doubters, I would refer you to the Gates website which claims that the carbon drive belts are can carry the same load as a chain: here


I'd also like to point out that there are now a few pushbikes running around with these belts instead of chains - the pushbike belts are far narrower than the HD ones.


back here because I want to be.

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Just had a look at Gates website, interesting, if their claims stack up down to sizes you will require it looks like a good solution, thats what engineering sales and marketing is often about, convincing us old fuddy duddys that new products with innovative materials really work, if the product can be shown to be able to handle and apply reasonable torque in the real world then it would carry a far higher value than I gave it in the survey

best of luck and keep up the good work, as someone said earlier we need good new engineers.

I don't think we are "Doubters" in a bad way, just trying to help where we can




CSR 200 Aztec and Black

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Yes, you're right, I must try not to get too defensive, I really appreciate the time you have all taken to do the survey and the comments you have made. It's all useful info that I will need to address in my final project, including allaying any fears.


I guess if it were ever to appear on the shelves, you wouldn't see the belt as it's inside the casing, and it would simply have a tourque rating on the box (eg 'Rated for torques up to 200nm').


Thanks all.


back here because I want to be.

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