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Water Temp on 1600SS

Gary G

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I've owned a 1600ss with Apollo for 3.5 months.


Up until recently, when warm, the water temp has been 80 and oil the same. Both go up to c.100 when giving it welly. Both of these I believe are fine.


During the last week the oil has stayed as above, but the water is taking a long time to heat up and rarely reaches 80 (even when giving it welly). It now sits around 60.


I've checked that the rad is getting hot, which it is, so I'm guessing that it may be a faulty gauge/sensor.


Where does the water temperature gauge take it's signal from? What is the likely problem? Will I be damaging my car if I drive it without getting this checked out?


Thanks in advance...






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one way to test if it is a fault is.. the fan usually kicks in about 80+ if your fan is coming on and the guage is at 60 you have a fault. even with the car ticking over it will get up to 80 in 5 min on a warm day if you have a heater in the car if the valve is open under the dash ie= pulled out this will ad a few mins on with the extra water to heat best to get it sorted now. simple one to repair.


fred *eek*

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is the race stat just a thermostat set at 70 degrees instead of 80 🤔 (or 72 instead of 78 isn't it?).

or does it do other nice things like being less restrictive or something?

and how much?


At the moment i have too much water cooling and the oil stays too hot on track (80 water and 120 oil). or even iff the oil is happy at 120 I'm not happy about having such a temp gradient across the engine. So once the bigger engine, dry sump and laminova are fitted 'twould be nice to be able to dump more heat...


HOOPY CYCLE WINGS *thumbup* CUCUMBER *thumbdown*

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