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Help. What sprint Category for a non-L7C event?

Sgt Pepper

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I'm thinking about entering a local event (Crystal Palace Sprint) in May and need to complete the form and state which category my '93 x/flow 7 would be in.


Only having competed in the L7C championship I am unsure, having briefly read the 'Blue Book', which category a 7 would normally enter in.


My options being:


A - Road Going Series Production Cars (GR S10.10.1)

B - Road Going Specialist Production Cars (GR S10.10.2)

C - Modified Limited & Specialist Production Cars (GR S10.10.3 and .4)

D - Sports Libre (GR S10.10.6)


Is anyone who is more familiar with the Regs able to confirm which Category I should be in, before I totally misinterpret the regs and make a complete 🙆🏻 of myself *rolleyes* ?


Ta muchly.



Representing the Caterham division of the VSCC 😬

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Roadgoing classes need a full windscreen. If you don't have one then you are in to "C", you then need an MSA log book.

Martin Sargeant and myself fell foul of this last year at 3 sisters last year, the scrutineer basically said we were ineligable for any class, our road going Lotus 7 guise is not recognised at other events. We were relieved of 30 quid each for an MSA log book applicationbefore being allowed to run.




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Thanks for all your replies, it's obviously a bit of a minefield. It seems like 'interpretation' is the key word to reading the regs sometimes.


Anyway, I've emailed to Entries Secretary with specific details of my 7 and I'll let you know the outcome.


Ta muchly


Representing the Caterham division of the VSCC 😬

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See the clarification below contained in a press release from the MSA.

Sprint & Hill Climb regulation clarification

Following recent discussion regarding tyres in Roadgoing Categories for Sprint & Hill Climb Events, the Motor Sports Association is pleased to clarify the regulation as follows:

Tyre Requirements in Sprints & Hill Climbs

The Technical Regulations applicable to the Category of “Roadgoing Production Cars and Roadgoing Specialist Production Cars” are set out within (S)11.

(S)11.6.2. states: Wheels and Tyres. “Except for Period Defined Vehicles (Non-Rally) A-H inclusive are to (L) List 1A and List 1B.”

Championship/Event Organisers are then free, within these Categories, by means of Class Regulation to specify tyre choice to being either (L) List 1A, (L) List 1B or any specific tyre from either list. In order to do so appropriate regulation must be incorporated into the specific Championship/Event Regulations.


Release MSA10-023: 10 March 2010


Edited by - Mark Durrant on 15 Mar 2010 12:55:50

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I have received the following reply:


"Enter Class B, aeroscreens can be a bit emotive so there is a small chance you may get reclassified on the day."


Fingers crossed that I don't get an "officious" scrutineer.




Representing the Caterham division of the VSCC 😬

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