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Speedo Problems

Andy Best

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The Speedo on my car has packed up. 1997 vintage mechanical caterham with a five speed box.


The speedo first started reading 50% high then dropped to max 20MPH, then nothing. The actual speedo seems fine tested by spinning the cable in my fingers, the drive seems fine put the inner cable in and it rotates as you drive.


Reassemble the whole lot and nothing the cable does look a bit damaged at the speedo end but only very superfically, has anyone got any more ideas advice please?



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You may want to double check the cable again, mine's done something similar. When I drove along with the cable out the back of speedo it appeared to turn but if I held onto the centre spinning bit there was no force trying to turn it. I think the cable has snapped inside somewhere so there isn't enough force to turn the speedo but just enough to keep the centre bit spinning when there's nothing to turn.



Rob G


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My speedo failed and after going through a fairly long winded process of elimination found that the 90degree speedo drive our of the gearbox had failed - even though on casual imspection it seemed OK. Make sure that ir transmits drive when under load whne you check it. Speedo cable etc are easy to check. New 90degree speedo drives have a seperate quill which fits into the gearbox. The original one was fixed into the 90deg drive. Why it should be different I don't know but it may be significant - maybe Caterham know why?





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