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Event Insurance


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So what do the rest of the Championship Fraternity do regarding insurance for Sprints & Hill Climbs.


1) Do Without

2) individual Event insurance

3) Season Insurance.


What would you all recommend & If you do take event insurance how much are we looking at ?


I've sent an enquiry off to Richard Egger so will have to see what comes back...


Q469 WET, 1990 Caterham 1690 Crossflow Long Cockpit in Ali except for the red bits.

We are doing Yorkshire 3 Peaks in aid of Rotherham Hospice

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I've looked a couple of times and decided to do without.

Can't remember who now, but the basic idea seemed to be:

Choose how much (money % of car value) you want to insure and choose what items you want to insure.

Mechanical breakdown not covered.

Then they will only pay for replacing that item if broken in an accident. Replacing means just that, i.e. no unfit and no refit, just the part itself.


So, by the time I've taken off front wishbones (assuming "minor" off), got new ones, refitted them, reduced the pay-out by the excess I figured it wasn't worth it. Estimated about £100 ~ £150 per event premium.

If it is a biggy then I'm still going to pay out such large numbers that the money i get back is still small beer in comparison.

Anyway, hopefully I will never find out, but now I've gone up to class 2 from 1 I might have to think again





(aka VII SVN)

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Do without for me, I've only paid for insurance once and that was a few years ago when I borrowed someone elses car at Curborough.


I don't know about other people but (despite appearances!) I don't sprint my car with the "it's not my car I don't care" racing driver approach, ie I'm always conscious that at the end of the day I'm going to be the one footing the bill.


This doesn't stop me pushing very hard and making mistakes but there are some places where I'm probably just a bit more cautious.


The other question is how confident are you in your abilities to catch the car when something does start to go wrong?


At the end of the day you've got to have fun and if paying for the insurance makes that easier then maybe it is worth something.




Rob G


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At present i'm not that confident but getting better slowly.


Spent lot's of laps round snetterton last weekend trying to catch oversteer / understeer and learning how to correct.


Some were successful, some were not.


Doing the intro to sprinting and also curbourgh sprint school to try and get up to speed before the season kick's off.


I'm told that curbough is fairly forgiving unless you come of on the first long run up from the start or go straight on at Fradley so will have to see closer to the time.


Q469 WET, 1990 Caterham 1690 Crossflow Long Cockpit in Ali except for the red bits.

We are doing Yorkshire 3 Peaks in aid of Rotherham Hospice


Edited by - CaterBram Jnr on 21 Feb 2010 11:11:47

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I've never insured the car, if you add up the premiums and take the usualy huge excess into account the figure is significantly larger than the 'likely' damage.


Remember the whole point of sprinting is to drive the car to YOUR limits not the car's.


Accidents do happen from time to time but they tend to be minor such as knocking a wing off which would cost less than one premium to fix let alone taking the excess into account.




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When I took up sprinting last year I also enquired with Richard Egger and ISTR that it came in at somethng like £160 per event.


I tend to agree with Rob above when he says

I don't know about other people but (despite appearances!) I don't sprint my car with the "it's not my car I don't care" racing driver approach, ie I'm always conscious that at the end of the day I'm going to be the one footing the bill.

as I use my 7 for touring each year as well as many other club events. I'm not a sufficiently good enough driver to go 'pot-hunting' and there is no point in pushing beyond your own ability. Having done one season I'm now very much looking forward to improving my times now that I have some benchmarks to work to.


Representing the Caterham division of the VSCC 😬

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I don't insure. The excess would have been half of the full rebuild cost after the big one.


I do drive with no thought of the consequence. I do not get any satisfaction from driving within my limits. It has to be on the edge to get the thrill. Thats why I chose to stay in the chicken coop at Wiscombe last year. As I know I could not have driven at say 99%. No fun there for me.


I can do a track day for that.


However I have now been doing this for quite a few years and suggest that beginners do not approach the weekend/sprint in the same manor as an experienced competitor does.


The hardest part as a novice is understanding that you are there to only compete with yourself. If you can go quicker than last time on each run at each event then you are doing well.


Come along and just take it easy.


Competition Sec

Management Team Member


If in doubt.......Flat out!


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Cheers for all the advice, so it looks like at the level of damage that normally occurs in the typical sprint off isn't normally severe enough to warrent doing insurance unless you are driving something exceptionally valuable, or your a total nutter .


My intention this year is to actaully finish each event with a time on the board and hopefully to go fast enough to improve and if a mirracle occurs, not to finish last every time.


But mainly to have some fun, because of how the dates drop this year it will mainly be sprint's this year unless i'm lucky enough to get in at Shelsley Walsh.


Q469 WET, 1990 Caterham 1690 Crossflow Long Cockpit in Ali except for the red bits.

We are doing Yorkshire 3 Peaks in aid of Rotherham Hospice

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Last year (as my first year competing in competitions) I took out insurance from Moris - Motorsport Race & Rally Insurance Services


The cost (from memory) was about £350 to cover 8 - 9 events and gave me £6k cover with a £1k excess.


I've mixed feelings about taking it out again this year. But on the other hand last year it give me a peace of mind that i'd be covered if I totalled the chassis and definately made attending the events less stressful and as such more enjoyable as a result.

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