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Getting the top diff bolt out

Steve Robinson

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Hope someone can solve this bugger of an issue for me.


Have put the diff in and slid the top 11" bolt all the way through both bushes, and am now struggling to get the bottom bolts in, and the top bolt back out again.


It seems the bolt is now jammed in tight against one of the bushes, and hitting it with very hard with a hammer is barely moving the bolt and beginning to push the bush out of the chassis mounting point.


If I carry on with this is it easy to re-insert the bush? or is there a better way to free the bolt from the bush. No matter what we have tried we can't get the bottom bolts in either side either...


All suggestions gratefully received...



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Tricky job, as I remember. I managed to get it all jammed up too. The solution was to lubricate everything and allow to penetrate for a while. Then I lifted the diff up so that its weight was not supported by the long bolt. Trolley jack would help if you are solo. I then had a mate use a punch and hammer to tap (bash?) the bolt out while I was underneath "jiggling" the diff about.


This actually helped next time becasue quite a lot of material came out of the diff with the bolt which made it a touch easier to fit later.


I found it not possible to fit the top bolt first; on my car I had to engage both bottom ones first whilst supporting the diff on screwdrivers in either side at the top. I then inserted the long top one with plenty of Copperslip.


Good luck;


PS Sorry I can't comment on the issue of the bush coming in/out because I have no experience of this, although common sense would suggest that if it comes out, it ought to be possible to push back in as long as the meturlastic (sp?) properties are undamaged and the carcass of the bush not misshapen.

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Hi Steve

I emailed you on a similar topic for advice yesterday. However I had a failed attempt yesterday of fitting the diff without the propshaft, ( first mistake).

Lo and behold as soon as the top bolt was slid through I realised that the prop does in fact need to be fitted before fitting the diff unit. I experienced the same problem as you and the top bolt jammed solid.

It did come out eventually but with a lot of pushing and pulling.

Luckily I had emery papered the bolt first and copperslipped everything prior to fitting.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing but trial fitting and filing the holes in the diff smooth where the bolt passes through before fitting probably helped in me getting the bolt back out again. I didnt use a jack but it is essential to do the job properly.

Good luck

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Thanks Julian

You gave me the answer I was looking for. The reason I asked in the first place was that I went the starter kit route and bought that and most of the kits, but didnt get the misc.kit ( which includes the propshaft, doh!!) so I have all of the rear end that I thought I couldn't fit without the cursed prop.

Julian I've been following your build diary with interest, did you experience any difficulty in lining the diff unit up using the spacing washers. If my aborted attempt yesterday is anything to go by (mirrowing steves problems), just getting the thing into position is bad enough without the hassle of getting it to + or - 1mm central.

By the way Steve I got your email, tried to phone but I think you must have missed a number out of your mobile, re send if you can.

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