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Am expexting my Caterham to arrive in bits at the end of March for a self build with my son (I hope!). We have started looking through Caterham's build manual, but would love some first hand help/advice/pointers/tips etc from others as to what else we should be doing to prepare for the build now. It would also be great to be able to visit a garage to see a 'work in progress'? Are there any other build guides out there worth getting? Any comments welcome...?


PS not familiar with these forums, how do you insert a smilie?



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Ooooh what did you get? Make us jealous!


Just my opinions based on what I didn't do...


1. Buy a tub of coppaslip.

2. Buy another one *tongue*

3. Blank off the gaps between the sideskin and the footwell in the engine bay.

4. For added pimpness, paint the rim of the brake discs 😬

5. Put the engine and gearbox in before the diff and propshaft - it can be done the other way round, but I understand it could damage the seal at the back, and I found it was a royal PITA to wiggle in.

6. Don't use the handbrake before bleeding the brakes.

7. Don't leave the handbrake on when bleeding the brakes.

8. Do set up the pedals straightaway - it's easier when there's nothing in the way.

9. Sort yourself out with a cigarette lighter, intercom wiring and anything else that may have to run down the transmission tunnel before putting engine and gearbox in - not everyone has mini hands.

10. Knock a hole in the passenger footwell to access the gearbox filler plug. Just don't bother doing anything else. I spent ages trying to get a hose in, and ages trying to get the plug back in. I have a cut down allen key if you need though, they take a long time to cut through with a hacksaw.

11. Get the right tools first - you will need those allen headed socket wotsits.

12. Wear a mask when drilling fibreglass.

13. Wear gloves too. Splinters can be painful.

14. If at first something like a wishbone doesn't fit, hit it with a hammer. A rubber one, mind.

15. Torque up suspension bolts when the car is finished and on the ground under it's own weight. This is difficult, as some of the fittings are not easy to get at.

16. Mask everything up that you might touch.

17. Check the diff bolt goes through the diff before you put it in the car.

18. Take lots of photographs - you will need these to send to the DVLA/VOSA.

19. De-immobilise before running for the first time.

20. If something isn't quite going your way, go and have a cup of tea. Or better still, leave it for the day, have a sleep, and come back to it tomorrow. I found it worked first time after that.


That's it for now...






Bugsy: '82 2cv6 😬

Talloulah '08 1.6K Classic

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My R400 kit arrived yesterday. I have built a Roadsport before so can offer a few tips in addition to the others provided...


* The build manual is not always complete and accurate. Take time to think about what might not be being said, search Blatchat and look at build diaries to see how others have done it.


* When the frustration builds up, walk away and come back later (as mentioned)


* Consider using big head fasteners to attach front wings instead of drilling them


* Keep updating Blatchat with your progress; lot' of people (me included) love to follow builds and there will be plenty of people happy to answer questions.


* You'll need 4 axle stands to take delivery of the chassis. Recommend some rubber or foam covering on the top of these to prevent chafing of the powedercoat


* Lots and lots of dinitrol/waxoyl on the underside.


* Take your time and enjoy it.



I'm blogging about my build here and will be updating it with photos and progress as I go along.


Good luck.

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- Dont try to quit smoking whilst doing a build. It really, really is not a good time.


- Don't get caught by neighbour when you are skipping victory laps around the garden when you finally get the bloody diff in after nearly 6 hours of frutstration.


- Don't break your office phone by slamming it down too hard after discovering that the above mentioned diff isnt supposed to leak like that and you need to take it out, return it to Dartford and fit a new one (never did explain to the boss how I broke that phone *wink* )


- Dont do it too quickly. I didn't listen to this, had way too much fun and threw myself into the build and did it in just over a month. You get to drive the car for years, but only get to build it once. Enjoy it, whilst it lasts.



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Blimey John that's a very comprehensive list of actions you have typed out *thumbup* *thumbup*

I'd just add one more, if it's a roadsport kit that your building with standard rubber Garth change the ZV3 tyres for something grippier 😳


You'll enjoy the build, I know i did, I hope the SVA etc & registration etc goes smoothly. I heard a rumour that the SVA now costs £500. *eek*

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Wow *eek* thanks for all the interest..it is going to take a while to look at it and digest it all (and work out what some of it means! - particularly the 'socket wotsits'!). We could unfortunately only afford a lowly Roadsport 125 SV, but am sure it will be great fun nonetheless and when that fat cheque arrives in the post one day it will be time for the second build!?
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*arrowup* Nothing lowly about a 125 sigma, I have one (skinny s3) & think it's an excellent first seven to start with & building it yourself will mean you will know the car inside out *wink*

Would you really want an R400 of 500 as a first caterham? You might find yourself too scared to push the loud pedal *eek* 😬

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Save some cash for the IVA if Caterham are doing it for you! With the tax, numberplates, first registration, IVA and a small amount rectification work due to manual being out of date in regards to the latest IVA requirements resulted in a bill of nearly £900


Anyway, if confusion occurs a posting on here will result in a solution within minutes, worked for me last summer!


Don't get too frustrated when you find you cannot finish any sequence of work due to shortages.


Build pictures here

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What colour, Garth? Options? More more more!!!


I put old carpet on my axle stands - in case you don't have old rubber or foam. Consider using an old camping roll mat too.


Ooh if you have a concrete floor to work on, lie on some carpet or aforementioned roll mat - it gets cold when you're down there for an hour.


Also, get bench pressing - will come in handy for when the diff goes in. If you're on your own, hold the diff in one hand and balance it with your face while sliding a big allen key in each side to hold it at the top 😬


Lastly, put the propshaft in BEFORE the diff.


Oh actually this is the last one. If in doubt, utilise the POBC. The most powerful tool in the box!




P.S. It's not what you can afford (mine was as cheap as I could get it) it's how you drive it *cool* Trust me, the 125 will blow you away. It'll take a good few days before you want more 😬


P.P.S. Agree with Martin. I can't afford to change my ZV3s, but would like to.




Bugsy: '82 2cv6 😬

Talloulah '08 1.6K Classic


Edited by - myothercarsa2cv on 15 Jan 2010 00:25:58


Edited by - myothercarsa2cv on 15 Jan 2010 00:28:40

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Thanks for your posts John!

It will be the 'traditional ?' green with a yellow nose band and stripe. *smile*

You guys are whetting my appetite terribly and all I want to do now is drive it *tongue*- but point taken about enjoying the build - I am planning to try and build as much as possible over the Easter holidays (assuming Caterham deliver as promised?) during my boy's hols..my holiday has already been booked!

I have not gone for many options at this stage as I see from the Caterham prices that it does not cost much more to buy the items separately! So my cunning (!) plan is to upgrade seats, wheels and one or two other items and set aside the originals for use in a second build which I am hoping I will be able to do more cheaply buying the chassis only and then sourcing other bits from elsewhere? 😬 Some dweam

The only option I had to have was the push start button - always wanted one of those

I see from some of the build diaries that some are built on some form of car lift - does this make much difference for access and a stiff back?

Whatever happens will now be on the lookout for some old carpet to cover the concrete floor!

Racking my brain as to the meaning of POBC??!

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"POBC" = People of blatchat


If of interest to you Garth I have some mobile axle stands which will be available to borrow by Easter (They are the same as these here)


Also I cut a hole in a a short section of bicycle inner tube, which I then pull over the ends of the axle stand this gives you the protection others have mentioned for chasis poweder coat etc.

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Normal axle stands will be fine, but you're right, they are low and for a stiff back? Well, not ideal. But remember, when the car is built, you have to get it down again... Easier to lift a chassis than drop a built car!!!

As well as the carpet on the stands, I put some cardboard that CC kindly provided (all the bits came in boxes 😬) under the rails and over anything that might knock something else. Didn't stop the odd scratch, but there you go!

I prefer POBC to mean Power Of BlatChat *cool*


Thinking of a second build already eh? Some people... *rolleyes* *tongue* *biggrin*






Bugsy: '82 2cv6 😬

Talloulah '08 1.6K Classic

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It wasn't cheap, but we're very glad to have the scissor lift. It's amazingly useful for getting to pretty much any part of the car without all that standard contortionist activity. Luckily the engine hoist JUST fits around the scissor legs, but it's an interference fit.




R300GRR SV build in progress

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Really nice Martyn - does the wooden sled only touch the chassis at each end? Do you find that the sled flexes at all? Presumably it's all nice and stable and you can lower the lift and drive the car off?


Finally can I ask where you got the lift from?




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