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"wobby" Q/R wheels!

Julian Thompson

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Does your quick release steering wheel have a bit of play in it? Mine does, and so does one other chap's that I know.


Why do they have Q/R wheels anyway??


Can I just bolt it straight on and do away with the Q/R bit, or should they be perfectly tight and so not give any need to get rid of?



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I found that sometimes it had fore and aft play, other times it was fine. I figured out that it was possible to put the wheel on and the ball bearing retainers didn't seem to engage fully. The answers is to take it off and try again giving it a good shove on. It should then be rock solid.
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From new mine wasn't 100% perfect but it's only very minimal. The majority of the play in my steering is the rack itself, which is uncomfortably bad, especially on bumpy surfaces where it sends rattly shocks through to the wheel. There's a thread somewhere else (Tech?) where someone has had their rack improved. I'm going to do this with mine.


If you don't need a QR wheel, you could PX the QR parts to someone who'se got a non-QR wheel. You'll end up with a bit in your pocket too.


The reason for having a QR is so you can get in and out easier, although not being of great stature I manage perfectly well enough with the wheel in place. The reason I spec'd it was additional security when parked up someone strange (home *smile*).


Worcs L7 club joint AO.//Membership No. 4379//Azure Blue SLR No. 0077//Se7ens List Tours


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On the subject of steering racks, I noticed that where the column joins the rack, the splines (at the end of the column) only go about <1cm into the rack (bracket) splines. Now this 'looks' a bit dodgy to me as there's far more spline out of the rack than in it. Is this normal (and OK)?!?!?!?!



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The bolt that tightens the clamp on this part of the column has to pass through a groove in the column, which has the effect of holding it on. You can undo the bolt, loosen the clamp and still not remove the column from the clamp until you have completely removed the bolt, thanks to that groove.


It's pretty safe. Never heard of a failure here.


Worcs L7 club joint AO.//Membership No. 4379//Azure Blue SLR No. 0077//Se7ens List Tours


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I'm a bit new to Q/R wheels but have noticed on mine that it's possible to get it to lock on when only about halfway on and yes it's v. wobbly. My engine's out at the moment so the shaft was loose and sank too far into the dash to allow the wheel to go all the way on, is it possible there isn't enough clearance between boss and dash?



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I have put some thick grease on the splines which has been enough to remove any lateral play.


If I took the wheel off to get out of the car I'd probaly end up with grease on my clothes - but after the novelty of a removable wheel wore off a few weeks after getting the car I haven't wanted to remove it.


This way I can still remove the wheel if I ever park in a dodgy area.





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I visited Caterham recently and was surprised at the play in most of the cars for sale.


My SL, 1 yr old, 5500miles, had some fore aft play at the QR wheel. The factory supplied a ney upper column which cured it.


I had some sideways play in the top column bush. Caterham supplied a new one which was better but seems to have worn so as to have pronounced play again.


I have tried PTFE tape packing and grease, which help for a little while, but I dont like dismantling the column joint in order to put the grease or tape in.

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Mine used to wobble all over the show until I decided to spend a day sorting it out.


Firstly, and the biggest pain in the arse of all, the top half of the steering column works slightly loose from the bottom half just behind the bulkhead. However hard I do up the square bracket, it still works loose and gives plenty of play.


Secondly, the nylon sleeve inside the dash worked loose and part disintegated thus allowing the steering column to move inside the dash. This is now fixed.








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Each slug and boss should be matched as a pair. They are when they leave racetech, as i called in there last year and bought an extra boss for the smaller wheel. It took 4 bosses before we found a perfect match. the other 3 we a little loose and the chap who was serving me said they were too loose (about 1mm of play).


perhaps the factory has been playing mix and match?


Both of mine fit well, though not at the same time - before anyone says something!! *wink*

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Caterham does only Racetech witch always has some play, Spa has no play and the difference is the rubber O ring at the end of the splines because this takes all the play away, also the price is the same as the Racetech but you have to make the modification yourself

BTW the hexagon one's are worse than the splined one's


Edited by - elie boone on 9 Aug 2002 19:47:37

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