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Introduction for a novice?


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I am considering entering a speed event this year. I am a complete newbie to motorsport, so I need advice!



1. Is there a newbie's guide to the 2010 Club speed events?

2. Is there someone in the West Hants/East Dorset area that would be happy to answer any questions I have and would be able to give a bit of guidance?





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1. Have a look here for a start.

Rumour has it there will be another "Introduction to Sprinting" day in 2010 so keep you eyes peeled.

Calendar for 2010 is here.

The MSA blue book for 2010 is on the MSA website now.

Any further questions then just post here.


Yellow SL *cool* #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing

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Hi Cskip


I have just finished my first year in sprinting so let me offer some advice whilst its all still fresh in my mind…..


You will find that your fellow competitors in the Speed Championship are always ready to help and support novices but I think in 2010 you will be particularly well looked after:


First, I believe Chris and Lynn will be organising an ‘Introduction to Sprinting’ day which will cover everything from car preparation, classes, safety, scrutineering etc. I expect this to be late in March 2010 – I’m sure one of them will be along in a minute to confirm;


Secondly, for novices on their first event I will also be organising a ‘buddy’ system where a friendly face will meet you at your first event and take you through signing on, scrutineering, walking the course, practice and competition. I will try to organise it so that your Buddy will be competing in the same class as you. This Buddy system is not to replace the excellent advice and support that you will get from allof your fellow competitors – but it’s an attempt to make your first event as smooth and enjoyable as possible. I still have to finalise the details of this with Simon Rogers (Comp Sec) but I know that Simon supports the concept.


I have also sent you an e-mail with my contact details – I must be fairly close to you as I split my time between Dorset and Hampshire. So if you want to get together to have a chat about entering the 2010 Speed championship then just let me know.


From experience I can honestly say that you I believe you will really enjoy the Speed Championship – it’s a great way to drive your Seven in a safe, friendly but competitive format. Roll on Goodwood 2010 …



Graham V *wavey*


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Welcome to the Championship Skip, from another novice.


It's my first season this year, i'm lucky that I have some good advice from Andy & David who have done a few event's before.


Have you figured out which class you will be running in.


I'm running a 1690 Crossflow @ around 135 BHP on list 1A tyres which put's me in Class 2. Not the most competitive car but fun all the same.


If there's anything you want to talk over with another newbie feel free to drop be a blatmail, but as has already been stated there is loads of help, advice & support from the other competitors both in this forum and in general. *wavey*


Q469 WET 1990 Caterham 1690 Crossflow Long Cockpit in Ali except for the red bits.CaterBram on Facebook


Edited by - CaterBram Jnr on 30 Nov 2009 00:04:53

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Thanks some great info already. *thumbup*


The intro to sprint would be a brilliant idea. I would be up for that. The buddy system also sounds like a very good idea.


I am just starting to get my head around the Class structure. I am running a xflow with a reasonable spec, not sure where it fits.


Graham - are you going to the West Hants Area Meeting tomorrow night? If so maybe we could have a chat then?



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As Graham mentioned - we have 'volunteered' to organise the 2010 'Introduction to Sprinting' day to be held at Curborough - the spiritual home of the L7C sprinting fraternity. *cool*


The date is not absolutely confirmed but it might be worth putting a pencil line through Saturday 17th April 2010 - more details will be circulated in the not too distant future. *wink*


We already have our eyes on some of the existing sprint fraternity to assist on the day - look out for the hard to refuse invitations heading your way *wavey*


We are hoping for better weather than for the 2008 event - the snow drifiting across the circuit is still fresh in the memory - but it can't have been all bad as since that day we have only missed 3 or 4 events 😬 😬 😬


Looking forward to seeing all you potential competitors in 2010 - C&L *thumbup*


If only everything in life was as simple as a 7!!

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Wow Snap, Another Crossflow ,, like mine 😬


If you are running a 1600 Crossflow with 60 Thou or less rebore on Class 1a tyres and less than nominally 125 BHP then Class 1.


If you are above 60 thou i.e. either 1600 rebored or 1700 with upto 160BHP then with 1A tyres, Class 2 or if running 1B tyres Class 3.




Q469 WET 1990 Caterham 1690 Crossflow Long Cockpit in Ali except for the red bits.CaterBram on Facebook

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I had to look at the detail of the reg's for mine as I was looking at the Class1 or Class 2 issue myself.


Everyone knows the basic crossflows are underpowered to what they are spec'd at by Caterham, the first info I was given on mine was that it was a 1600 rebored by 60 Thou, which would have let me compete in Class 1, as it turned out it's actually 90 thou which pushes me into the bottom end of Class 2, unfortunate really as I'm expecting to be underpowered in Class 2 rather than reasonably competitive in an older car in class 1.


I think CSkip will be in a similar position.


But it's all for fun and personal challenge anyway..... *wink*


Q469 WET 1990 Caterham 1690 Crossflow Long Cockpit in Ali except for the red bits.CaterBram on Facebook


Edited by - CaterBram Jnr on 2 Dec 2009 09:42:38

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*arrowup* Oh good, another x/flow to play with in Class 3. That'll make 3 next year *smokin*


'Twill only be my 2nd season. My only regret? Wished I'd started a few years back. Really is good fun competing, if only against yourself, and the craic is good as well *thumbup*


Representing the Caterham division of the VSCC 😬

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You can attend as few or as many as you like. For the novice championship it's your best 5 scores and for the class/overall championship its your best 7. If you just want to enter for fun then you don't need to do that many but if you enjoy it as much as us you will end up doing nearly every round 😬.


Yellow SL *cool* #32 - member of Drowned Rat Racing

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Hi Dave, looking at standard engine specs the 1.6 Standard K series super sport has 133BHP compared to 128BHP on the 1.4 Stardard support sport.


Not a lot of benefit unless the 1.4 dies.


And yes you would be in class 2 but probably at the lower end of the power range unless you are also doing other upgrades to the 1.6k


Q469 WET 1990 Caterham 1690 Crossflow Long Cockpit in Ali except for the red bits.CaterBram on Facebook

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1.6 Standard K series super sport has 133BHP compared to 128BHP on the 1.4 Stardard support sport

Not a lot of benefit unless the 1.4 dies.



It's the torque that is more different!

Torque give the punch out of corners.

Whilst a standard 1600 supersport, and a standard 1800supersport have very similar power, the 1800 has significantly greater torque.

Overall thats why a 1600 with a ported head is a good match for a standard 1800SS.

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but as you proved many times the 1600 gives you quite a a few more MPH throught the speed traps at Aintree

That's why I've stopped going to places with significant speed traps *smile* *wink*



But I'm looking forward to Shelsley next year. I hope it's dry and warm. I had to lift in Kennel and Crossing this year (I did try to take both without a lift, but ran out of road *eek*). I'm sure with list1b's it'll be absolutely flat intill braking for bottom ess. It'll be interesting comparing splits and speeds!



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As I've just got one, who's good for head porting?



The obvious answer is Dave Andrews of DVAPOWER fame (or "Oilyhands" on here).


I did my own (now six years ago) and have done another couple since then.



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