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Engine out time


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Great guys to work with *thumbup* *thumbup*

Thanks for your help and healthy eating too.

Sump and a few other bits fitted and of to Road and Race tommorow to have the gearbox refreshed.

New clutch center plate and CRB ready to go on although the old ceter plate looked little worn even after 35k miles however the Old CRB was noisey when spun by hand so good to have a replacement *smile*

Thanks for info Paul thats put my mind at rest. I think the Verniers sit futher away from the hesd than the originals by about 3.0 mm due to the two piece design.


Off to have a hot bath and a beer 😬 😬


John *wavey* *wavey*

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If you are upgrading your engine over 200bhp be sure to use a Helix uprated clutch cover. Or you'll only be replacing it again quite soon.


I'm not so sure about the "also that starter motor bolt that is up against the drivers footwell" comment.


In 16 year of VX ownership on a car which had rather more than its fair share of "engine outs" I never recall this particular issue.



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I removed the engine and box together but used 4 lifting eyes instead of the existing 2 attached to a load leveler/ tilt device (thanks Carl *thumbup*),so no problem with starter bolt this way *biggrin*.

Arnie did you only break clutches with extreme use or do I realy need to fork out more for the uprated version 🤔

Dropped of the box at Road and Race yesterday and looked at the new Titan limited slip diff being assembled on the bench *eek*


John *wavey*



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BIO, The std clutch cover has broken on many cars, not just mine. The failure point is the spring steel drive straps around the edge. The Helix clutch uses 4 plies, where as OEM spec is only 2. There is no difference in pedal load.


As to the top starter bolt, this is easily accessed using a 10mm 1/2 drive allen key on a pair of 12" extensions, from the front of the engine.


As pointed out in Rogers post, the two bolts at the top of the bellhousing are harder, especially on the dry sump engine. The same 10mm 1/2 drive allen key ( the type whihc come in a set with 1 socket and interchangable bits) combines with a 10mm ratchet ring spanner, work best here.



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Thanks Arnie I will order a replacement uprated cover *thumbup*

The original cover only has a one leaf sping around the edges *eek*


I have a used ally rad (from a R300) to replace my heavy Cov Rad type but have noticed that the depth is only 40mm at the finned section and the original is 60mm

and also the pipes are in a slightly differant position ☹️ Will this rad have enough ccoling capacity and fit ok to the 'J' tube.




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Arnie it was the two bolts at the top of the bell housing, one of which also secures the starter. i found that the 10mm hex bit and spanner was the best option, but it was awkward and i thought it worthy of a comment as it was not a straight forward allen key job. perhaps i should leave the advice for the ones with more engine out experience in the future 😬


Kevin R


black(but sometimes orange)-ali HPC


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We are not talking about the same bolts. The two of bolts at the top of the bellhousing screw into the engine black from the gearbox side right?


Surely you are talking of the uppermost bolt which screws into the bellhousing from the engine side below the #4 inlet port?


*confused* *confused* *confused* *confused* *confused*

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Have now fitted a uprated Helix clutch cover (it has a 3 ply strap) and AP racing center plate supplied by SBD all aligned correctly thanks to a special tool from Mad Hatter *thumbup*

Awaiting the gearbox.. being refreshed by Road and Race and some gaskets and other bits then engine in time *smile*

Will it ever live again 🤔



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Being of a highly untechnical nature I rarely read Tech Talk so have just seen this thread.


Do you want a hand this coming weekend? Can be available Saturday or Sunday.


Have tools, can make tea, fetch, carry and generally make an ar$e of myself *thumbup* *thumbup*


I'd be pleased to help, you've done more than enough for me.





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Hi Roy...Just waiting to collect gearbox from Road and Race. It's finished but have got to find some time to collect it ☹️

Will give you a call next week when it's ready to go back in *smile*


Kevin ...Exhaust looks great *thumbup*



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