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Don't you love workshop manuals.


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I was stripping down a type 2 gearbox this afternoon to rebuild it with a gear kit.


When I go to removing the speedo drive worm gear I was minded to remember a quote from an old manual I saw many years ago. " Remove the worm gear with a few swift strikes of a copper hide mallet." I had the main shaft in our press with 8.000 kilos showing on the stress guage before the worm gear finally gave up! How big would you have to be to hit the gear with a copper hide mallet to get a force of 8 tonnes!


This also put me in mind of a manual that said, " It is considered by the manufacturer, ( BMW ) too complicated a task to rebuild this gearbox and we would refer you to your nearest dealer."


Have you got any better ones I wonder?





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Slightly OT, but I've always loved the 'This page intentionally left blank' that I first discovered in IBM-DOS manuals... *smile*


...which reminds me of an old Readers Digest snippet (used to be given them as the last link in a long line as a child - they had short 'funnies' at the end of most articles to fill space).


Anyway, (and we really are OT now), a student took his marked exam paper back to the teacher and said "You've forgotten to put the score in the red-circle you drew at the bottom of the paper". The teacher replied "On the contrary - I forgot to draw a circle around your score..." *wink*


Back to workshop manuals... *wavey*


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Alcester Racing

7s Ecosse™

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Still kinda O/T, but HP used to sell a ratchet crimp tool for BNC connectors. This type won't release until the crimp has been made properly. If you were to get part of your finger stuck in the mechanism you needed to dismantle the tool as it wouldn't release otherwise.


The instruction manual went into great detail about how to get yourself out of the tool, including such gems as: "this bit will really hurt and it would probably be best to get a colleague to do this", "you may want to nurse your badly bruised finger at this point" and "try to keep track of the components you remove, if you can do this whilst in pain."





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I had a Triumph Dolomite TC. The Haynes manual included the following helpful information;


"To remove the starter motor, you must first remove the exhaust manifold. See chapter xxx"


"To remove the exhaust manifold, you must first remove the start motor. See chapter yyy"


Alex McDonald

Loud, louder, loudest...

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