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Willoughby Racing is expanding!

Lisa Beezer

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I've been following Dad and Matthew's progress in the Speed Championship over the last couple of years, but this year I have become completely hooked and today it became official - my club membership card arrived! 😬


Now I'm looking forward to a possible dual drive with Dad next season and my Christmas list is growing by the day!!







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Lisa, welcome to the fold 😬 If its like the 2009 season, next year will be great for the newbies *thumbup*





Back in a BEC! - but done alright in Class 1...

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Hi Lisa, welcome on-board, the numbers in family racing teams seems to be growing by the week 😬 😬


I'm going to have to re-brand myself as Caterbram Snr I think now brother Chris is around as Caterbram Jnr. *wink*


I can't wait for 2010 to get started, look forward to seeing you *thumbup*






Mainly Red, apart from the bits that are Black.


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dual drive with Dad next season


You mean he has pursuaded you to be his tyre warmer 😔


Andrew are there no depths you will not plumb for greater glory...your own daughter 😔 *eek* 😔 😳


Seriously, welcome aboard Lisa *wavey* You need to pursuade your dad to slow up so that he doesn't spoil your percentages too much 😬


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Lisa is probably light than Andrew so once she's got the hang of it will probably beat everybody including her dad if the family skills have been passed on.


Glad i'm in Class 2 as it looks like a bit of a hot battle in Class 1 again next year *wink*


Q469 WET 1990 Caterham 1690 Crossflow Long Cockpit in Ali except for the red bits.CaterBram on Facebook

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Hi Lisa,


Welcome from me too! You are certain to have fun.


Honestly though, you get rid of one fast willoughby out of the class and another one appears, aren't there any MSA regulations on maximum willoughby density?





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Doh! - no sooner do I successfully encourage one fast offspring to change classes than another one pops up to spoil my party!


But I have another cunning plan! (don't tell Lisa *nono*) She's coming to us for Christmas so I intend fattening her up a bit with turkey, trimmings, pud, alcohol, etc, etc. That way I shan't have to faff around lengthening the belts when it's my turn, and the added ballast might slow her down a bit *rolleyes* *eek* *tongue*


Looking forward to seeing you all at the lunch with the other members of WR.



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Thank you everyone! One of the main reasons I decided to have a go was because everyone has been so welcoming this year and I've really enjoyed spending time in the paddock as Dad's "Spanner Monkey"! I'm really looking forward to the awards lunch next week.


Do not fear, I'll be keeping my eye on Dad and watching out for any cunning plans he may have up his sleeve, but I'm certainly not going to be turning down free food and booze at Christmas - I doubt he'll be able to refuse Mum's cooking either, so it'll even out in the end!





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Lisa, welcome to the fold (or is it mad house) sure you will enjoy every minute of it.

By the way theres a paddock bacon butty in it if you can get your brother to over indulge at Chrismas as well, in an attempt to even out the power to weight ratio differences in the pensioned off Roadsport A racer group of class 3


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Thanks Grahame. I'll see what I can do with Matthew, but I'm afraid I can't promise anything - he seems to have the power to say "no" to food when other Willoughbys can't resist! (Although I do recall him eating an enormous amount of chocolate before Christmas lunch on a number of occasions... *nono*)
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