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Can't start my car!


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Can anybody help me work out what the problem with my car is?

I took it out of the garage at the weekend. I wasn’t expecting a trouble free start as I had only used the car briefly the weekend before and not for two weeks before that, which is usually about the limit of what I can get away with from the battery without using the jumpstart. However the car did start initially at least. It started but then as soon as I let the revs fall off it stopped. I started it a couple more times, this time keeping the revs up in Neutral for a minute or so but got the same result when I took my foot off the accelerator to put the car into gear. I figured a drive might sort it out so put it into gear and started it up again and drove off. 50m from home, on a steep downward slope, I came to a T-junction and couldn’t avoid letting the revs fall again. This time I couldn’t restart the car. I could hear the starter motor whirring but the engine would not fire up. Adding an external power source made no difference.

Anybody know what the problem might be? I don’t think it is the battery since (1) It did start the car initially (2) A jumpstart doesn’t help (3) I can hear the starter motor whirring. Similarly, I don’t think it is the starter as (1) The car started initially (2) I can hear it.

However the fact that the car started initially, albeit only as long as I kept the revs up, but now won’t start at all implies that it is a problem that has got worse the more I tried it, consistent with a low battery or similar.

Any suggestions gratefully received.


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The starting problem sounds like battery. When using the jump leads are you getting a really good clean connection? When you connect the last negative connection to an earth point on the chassis/engine is there some sparking? If not the jump leads aren't doing anything to help. As for the revs dropping this could be related or could be something totally unrelated.


Good luck *smile*


Beaulieu #28

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Maybe I will try hitting it tonight !

However that wouldn't explain why it started initially but only as long as I kept the revs up. It seems too much of a coincidence to have suddenly had 2 separate problems to do with starting the car almost simultaneously.

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Yes, I am getting sparking from the jump leads so I don't think it is a lack of power problem. I've also often found myself starting the car where the battery has died just enough to not be able to start the car and that does sound very different (clicking rather than whirring).

Many thanks for all the suggestions though.

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Whirring from fuel pump:

Comes from back of car

Happens when you switch ignition on, before you press the start button/turn the key to the furthest position

Lasts about 5 seconds (ish)


Whirring from starter motor:

Comes from engine bay

Happens when you press the start button/turn the key to the furthest position and stops as soon as you let go


To test whether the engine is being turned over by the starter motor:

1) Make sure you have nothing in front of you - if the car starts you will be off down the road in first gear!

2) Put the car in 1st gear

3) Release the handbrake

3) Try to start the car


If the car moves forwards at all then the starter motor is engaging and turning the engine over.


You could also check this by having a look at the alternator drive belt while the car is in neutral and someone else tries to start it. If the drive belt moves, then the engine is being turned over by the s/motor.



Your symptoms **could** be battery/alternator related - if the alternator's providing no charge, then the car would run for a bit as the battery would provide the spark, but would have a tendency to die at low revs, and would ultimately die and refuse to start again. If it does turn out that this is the problem, it's either because some cable has fallen off the alternator, or the alternator itself is toast.


If you put a completely unrelated battery in the car, does it start and run ok, provided you keep the revs up?



back here because I want to be.





Edited by - charlie_pank on 20 Oct 2009 11:16:21

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So the solenoid is not throwing far enough


It's a fairly easy to take the starter motor off and have a good look at it and all its connections. You can also dismantle bits of the solenoid and have a look at it/clean it up.


I'm surprised that the motor is spinning if the solenoid is not engaged, I thought that the connection for the motor was only made if the solenoid managed to throw all the way.




back here because I want to be.

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Do starter pinions and/or ring gears still break? Is the starter throwing and turning because it's not engaging with a suitable tooth on the ring gear or that the turny-cog-thing is broken?


You could put it in gear and give it a shove to see if the engine moves round at all and start again. could the engine be siezed? 😳



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To check if the battery is foobar'd, just turn the headlamps on before pushing the starter button. If the battery is low/dodgy, the lights will dim significantly...


Batteries can collapse/fail instantly, even if they seem fine at first.



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The OP stated he did get the car to start and he drove it for 50m. He also said:


"as I had only used the car briefly the weekend before and not for two weeks before that, which is usually about the limit of what I can get away with from the battery without using the jumpstart"


To me it sounds like the battery. Is the battery maintained by a battery conditioner/trickle charger?

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The battery is maintained by a solar panel powered trickle charger but that doesn't appear to be enough.

However in the past when the battery has been allowed to get too low and won't start the car (and shows different symptoms) , I have used a freestanding jumpstarter. This was fully charged (and producing sparks galore) but was still not able to get the car going on this occasion.

But I come back to my point that the main reason I don't believe it can be battery (or starter) related is that this would not explain why the engine died after I had got it going the first few times but then let the revs fall.

Many thanks for all your help. I think I should probably stop guessing and get the AA out for a professional opinion!

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What is the car? Crossflow/VX/K/? carbs or engine management?

After a long stand I have know alternator brushes to stick so that when engine starts battery is not topped up and starting problems get worse as starting does cane the batteries. Certainly a low battery can result in motor going round and not throwing bendix in--assuming it is a bendix starter.


Might B able to offer a bit morre advise if more info available


best of luck



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