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What a weekend


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Seconded *thumbup* I have thoroughly enjoyed my novice year and this weekend was an excellent finish I reckon for everyone *biggrin*




PS Did Dai Fuser put in an appearance this weekend... 😶‍🌫️


Back in a BEC! - but done alright in Class 1...

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Agree with everyone - brilliant weekend 😬

Congratulations to Nick for a great performance on Sunday - even with his gammy leg!

And an exciting finish to the year in 3 with Malcolm pulling out an excellent time on the Saturday (even though he then took points off Judith - are you talking again now?), and a close run thing on the Sunday with really good performances from Graham and Michael back on form.

Glad to say my second driver wasn't quite as good at showing me the full potential of my car as Rob's *wink*

Thanks to everyone for making it so enjoyable - and I can now pull the R300 engine out to upgrade next year....


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Congratulations to all class winners, Nick for Novice championship, Lynn for Ladies championship and to Mark as overall champion! Special congratulations to Mike Sankey for such a consistent set of wins *thumbup*. All I can say is watch out class 4 next year if he joins you!!




Edited by - Englishmaninwales on 12 Oct 2009 19:48:16

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I must echo everyone else's comments, I had a fantastic and entertaining weekend.


Many apologies to Lynn. I was so absorbed with the battle for 2nd place in the Ladies Championship that I forgot to congratulate you on your fantastic championship win and record points total.


Well done to Andrew for winning Class 1 despite the strong challenges from Nick and Al. I checked your times/scores throughout the weekend and lost count of how many times the placings changed. This seems to be a bit of a running theme for Class 1.


Well done to Mark D on the Overall Championship and it was really good to see you come all the way up to Anglesey to support and help us all.


Nick - well done in the Novice Championship. To answer your question, I think Dai must have had other plans. I must confess to hoping that someone in the paddock had a MkII "Escourt" so that I could persuade them to masquerade as Dai for the day just to make me seem less gullible (not sure if that is still a useable word as someone told me it had been removed from the dictionary).


Finally - well done to t'wife for her 2nd place in the championship. Really proud of her and especially after Mark D played "Under Pressure" by Queen at full blast on the way back from the circuit on Saturday night.


Hope to see you all at the Awards Lunch in November.

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Thanks for the messages, we both had a fab weekend and can not add much to the sentiments expressed above, except to say that Dai was there and I understand was interviewed by Ray Snoates. We all look forward to his views on the weekend. Thank you to everyone for a great season and a special thanks to the boys in Class 4 for their continued support......('but you're just a girl' etc).



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Many congratulations to all winners and champions - Respect! Special thanks and congratulations to R200LEG for all the advice and support over the year.


Anglesey is certainly a great circuit where I found that the grip and speed from these fantastic little cars far exceeds my talent as a driver.


Personally I'm pleased that I've completed a season with only the one minor incident at Anglesey - the loss of the 7 badge on the nosecone *confused* When returning from my last timed run (still in 3 figures) I was asked by a certain Ladies Champion elect if I'd stopped on the circuit to look for the badge *smile*


Now, time for me to plan some winter upgrades *wavey*



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Just arrived home after a slight detour to friends - what a great venue Anglesey is and a fitting finale to a great season. Thank you to everyone that offered help, advice and guidance over the past season - thoroughly appreciated and some of it must have sunk in as the times got better as the season went on. *smile* *smile*


The spirit of the club and paddock is fabulous and for anyone thinking of joining next year - give it a try - you won't regret it 🥰 🥰 Thanks to all those class 4'ers who have helped make the season very enjoyable and just a tad competative 😶‍🌫️ 😶‍🌫️


Well done to all the class winners and those that finished on their respective podiums *cool* To watch some of the battles go to the wire was great, superb efforts particularly in Class 1 and the Ladies Championship at Anglesey *cool*


Final thanks to Mark D for all his efforts over the season and for occaisionally allowing me to get close that I have hope for next season - however as Mark moves to class 5 I believe Mike (R300) will be joining us. The Lord works in mysterious ways - he taketh with one hand and giveth with the other 😬 😬 😬


Hopefully see you all in November *wavey* *wavey*






If only everything in life was as simple as a 7!!

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Just home a couple of hours ago, we stayed over Sunday night. Must be mad, a return trip of some 760 miles just to drive 15-16 miles around a track *eek* 😬.


Can't really add anything that hasn't already been written. Well done to all class winners and many thanks to all those who made me feel very welcome in my first season. I didn't trouble the scorers too much (no, make that, not at all 😳), but had a fantastic time; the venues, the camaraderie etc. Definitely learnt a lot more about my driving and my 7s capabilities *thumbup*


Will I be back next year? You bet *thumbup*. I take it there is no known cure for this addiction 😬


Chris Alston

C7CAT 1800 Supersprint

R248 *tongue* ....and then I jumped in *eek*

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After attending my first sprint as a Club "Member" *eek* all I can say is that the competition in all the classes looks great.


However I have been asked not to come along again as all my locals failed in their various attempts to overcome the competition. One who shall remain nameless actually swore at me on Sunday as he packed up his car *nono*


However I may return to other events just to see how everyone gets along next year.


I was very disaponted when looking under your cars to find very little evidence of the green stuff I read about each time Ray Snotes sends in a report. You just were not trying hard enough *tongue*


Given my knowledge of all things aerodynamic I have been asked to provide a technical service to any Sprint competitor who may ask.


This service will be launched at the Awards in November.


Nos Star


Sparks Electricians

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Congratulations Andrew and Nick - and a big thank you to everyone in Class, it has been a really fabulous years competition.


Well done everyone, it's been a fantastic year. *thumbup*


The support and advice everyone has given me throughout the year has been overwhelming, but I'd like to say a special thanks to 7Tips - what a team *cool* Simon, I'm still reliving the spin towards the pit wall 😳 thanks boys for the drive in your cars on Friday- a real eye open *smokin*


Dai - I 'm glad you enjoyed the event *wavey*


I now just need to get the upgrade budget together...


See you all in November *thumbup* 😶‍🌫️

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Well done to all the winners and a big thanks from me too to everyone for making my first season so enjoyable. *cool*


Particular thanks too to Mark and Sam for all the co-ordination and admin associated with putting the season together at some great venues *thumbup*.


I too really appreciated the friendly advice and encouragement throughout the season, not forgetting to mention the exhaust bobbin on Friday (thanks Rob!) and the chance to try some Kumho's for a lap or two (thanks Graham).


Thanks also to the likes of Suzanne, Jon and Alan for providing some healthy (but ever friendly) competition for the likes of me in the bottom half of class 3. With respect to the fast guys, I've no idea how you go quite that fast but I'm determined to come back next year and learn a bit more. *smile*



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Thanks for your congratulations, Al. It's been an amazing year with many memorable moments and the competition has been fantastic.


More importantly, the mutual support of all in the Class 1 paddock has been great - we may be rivals on track but the camaraderie of our group is terrific, and something I value greatly.


Special congratulations to Nick and Al - I've really enjoyed our jockeying for position as the season reached its climax. Al's 101 horses are really due for a rest after the whipping he gave them at Anglesey!


I can't believe it's all over, and I still can't take in that I got the class win. I look forward to seeing everyone at the awards lunch (providing that my first grandchild, due shortly afterwards, doesn't arrive early).



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"Hear hear" to all the sentiments uttered.


Many congratualtions to all the 2009 champions.


Also,thanks to everyone for all their help and support, Adrian, Mike, Robin and Malcolm for the help with the transition from Xflow to superlight (not sure why we didn't do it sooner!!! 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬).


Special thanks to Mark D for organising a great season and for all your help *wavey* *thumbup*.


Big thanks to all the ladies for making the competition such fun, especially my sparring partner Judith *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup* for a nail biting finale at Anglesey. Huge respect to our Ladies Champion, Lynn, I want to drive like that one day 😶‍🌫️


I have had a fantastic season, made great by all you lovely people 🥰. Hope to see you all in November.


Waiting in anticipation for next year....bring it on 😬


Now, wheres that to-do list.... 😔





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Can't really add much to the sentiments already expressed!


Thank you to all who helped me out in my first season. Especially thank you to Mike for the dual drive in class 3. It really made my weekend and I hope my times illustrated that it's driver talent and not the car that was so successful in class 3 this year. Either that, or I'm less of a hooligan in someone elses' car than a certain class 5 competitor!


The car's in one piece sat in the garage. I hope there's not too many broken bits inside the engine though ☹️. I'll get it out next month and think about putting it back together.


Goodwood seems too far away for now, Hope to see many of you in November.


Stuart *wavey*





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Andrew ,Nick


Well done sounds like a cracking end to the season, sorry I couldn't be there as well, thought I'd start my winter upgrades early to keep the pressure up in class 1 next year *tongue*


Well done to all the other winners and champions etc See you at the lunch, Alan I'll finalise our "little arrangement" at the lunch if that's ok 😬



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