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Wiscombe scores and Championship standings


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Wiscombe scores


Overall Champion – Mark Durrant is the overall champion this year with 2 rounds to go. Although there is the possibility of others getting 8 wins across the season Mark is in an uncatchable position when we look back against his scores in the tie breaking rounds Vs the class records. Mike Sankey is runner up and Richard Price needs to get 1 more win from the last 2 rounds to get 3rd ahead of Simon Rogers.


Ladies Championship – With all 3 competitors at Wiscombe not improving on their scores it is as you were and the battle between Lynn, Suzanne & Judith will go down to the final weekend at Anglessey, with Lynn the strong favourite.


Novice Championship – Nick Chan is this years Novice Champion with an unassailable lead in that championship.


Class Championship


Class 1 – Yet again the lowered powered cars in Class 1 are providing some very close results and heading into the final weekend the championship could go to any of Andrew Willoughby who is leading Nick Chan by just 0.14pts and Alistair Gibbins a further 1.61pts back.


Class 2 – Richard Price retains the class 2 championship with Matthew Jenkins in 2nd and Graham Howard in 3rd


Class 3 – Mike Sankey had already taken class 3 honours. Malcolm Hickey currently holds 2nd place but is being challenged by Jeff Smith who in turn is being challenged hard by good end of season run from Michael Calvert.


Class 4 – Mark Durrant has already taken class 4 honour. The real battle is for the runners up spot between Martin Sargeant who leads Chris Howard-Harris by 0.59pts


Class 5 – Simon Rogers is class 5 champion even before the latest rounds and now Adrian Williams and David Nelson are confirmed as 2nd and 3rd in class 5 respectively.

Class 6 – Gavin Craig is the class 6 champion.


As always errors and omissions my way please



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Richard Price retains the class 2 championship


But I didn't win it last year *confused* (I was beaten by what now turns out to be an R300 😬)


In the championship class scores you have me as 698.27, but I should have dropped the 98.27.



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  • Area Representative

Thanks Rob for getting the scores sorted throughout the year. It has been a great first year for me and still likely to go to the wire for class 1 just like last year. Sprinting has certainly made me think a lot more about how I drive and the lines I take and has been masses of fun *wink*




Back in a BEC! - But trying to get into Class 1...

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If its not to late to speak to the entries sec Mark I think Adrian's idea is fantastic.


I'd also like to take it further if we can fix it. Al to run third last, Nick last but one and Andrew last.


Please *wavey*


Management Team Member


If in doubt.......Flat out!


Edited by - Simon.Rogers on 16 Sep 2009 22:23:52

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It's been very enjoyable spectating this year (if sometimes a little frustrating) and the last rounds promise an exciting end to the season *smile* (Not too exciting though, eh chaps, otherwise we'll end up needing those petticoats *tongue*)


Sounds like a drivers' seat shuffle is on the cards. Of course, if anyone fancied a bit of historic racing there's always a dual drive in a crossflow on offer 😬



Drowned Rat Racing

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i'll get the T shirts and base ball hats printed ready Al.


No offence to Andrew and Nick but you have to support fellow 7 tips team mates.


What shall we put on them?


Al for Class 1 Champ

Al for president!

Al Gibbins Class 1 Champ 2009


How many shall we order 100k or lets make sure we do not miss the boat 200k

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Rob, my overall championship score has got a bit mixed up with me changing class. Can I have my scores from the two classes added together for the overall champ standings please?


Sounds like we need to get some Team Willoughby t-shirts printed for the Anglesey weekend too.


Edited by - Matthew Willoughby on 18 Sep 2009 19:45:51

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