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I'm so £+*%ed off I could ......

The Village Idiot

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Thank-you Mr T 😶‍🌫️


Takes cuppa, dunks hobnob, pontificates on the state of the world, the recession, how noone wants to spend money anymore (it's not their fault they have been made unemployed) how the not spending money has repercussions.....


It's just pissing me off at the moment, this was clearly forseeable but all the trough noses kept troughing (both non jobs gubment and the others) and here we are. I have had dozens (really) of customers across my two businesses stop/cut back spending money with me 'cos they now don't have enough.


I have put plans in place to counteract this and know in 6 months time I should be busier than ever but I am just not happy with the whole state of affairs ☹️



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...and the worst of it is that I have sorn'ed the 7 because of it all.


I used to drive it EVERY week (and some track days) (as Mr T knows - even at minus whatever) and it's sitting in the garage accusing me at the moment in this lovely dry spell.


Anyway when I do put it back on the road you shedders better come out on my first blat or I'll hide the curly wurlies *eek*

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I have put plans in place
That's where at least you are one up on the betroughed ones who can't see past the trough their noses are buried in 😔


The trubble is that they have so much influence over so many aspects of our lives. 🙆🏻


My weary feet are appealing ... for your sympathy and, if you have any pennies to spare, a small donation please, following their 15-mile ordeal on 31st Aug *wavey*

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We have discussed this in detail.


You know I have advised against the BDSM pit because SWMBO will inevitably either find out or fall down it.


I believe that the crash course you are taking in How To Perform Breast Augmentation will yield results, although I do think that you should have invested in a better bicycle pump.


Keep at it. Have faith. Your time will come.




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*arrowup* and there you have hit the nail on the head, 5 years ago I swore I would work just for myself, from home and not be involved with employing people again and 'cos of this I have to create structures that wil provide the cushion agains sh1t like this recession. However those lovely "cushions" mean being bigger and working with other people again. That I think is why I am really pigged off - just as an example when I ordered something two weeks ago on the order I wrote specific instructions of what I wanted how it was to be delivered and under the proviso that it needed to be delivered as asked for. What do I get - automatic business process instead of the tweak that I asked for, and that folks is what you get if you deal with other people, they just don't get it right *mad* ☹️


😔 😔 😔

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...and to get it off my chest....


last time I employed people I had a court order to stop/collect back council rent from an employee and pay it back. If I didn't do this I would be breaking the law. I had to sit down with the employee and explain why her wages were going to be less (in her eyes).


So let me get this right if I didn't collect this court fine for the court I would go to court and get a criminal record, and I have to go back to that sh1t 'cos some t0ssers got greedy all down the line (homeowners/speculators/gubment/bankers)


It just stinks the whole lot of it 😔

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  • Area Representative


I, too, have a Seven on SORN (since Dec 2008) ☹️ and for similar reasons. Like you I am downcast about it. I have set a target to retax it by March next year.


Maybe we should have been directors for MG Rover *mad* - bl*&^% crims!


Democratic dissent is not disloyalty, it is a positive civic duty.

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(it's not their fault they have been made unemployed)

but then you don't want to employ them *confused*

I had a court order to stop/collect back council rent from an employee and pay it back

I don't know an employer that doesn't have 'attachment of earnings' notices - it's the employee's fault for defaulting on their payments - but there'll now be more people with these debts over their heads as they don't have the employment to pay them off.


C'mon Dicks - is it so bad to employ some people who're desperate for work and need to pay their bills!?





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It's rare to get rich working on your own.


If you become ill, have an accident etc then you have a major problem with income.


If you have franchisees the problem is considerably lessened.


What you're doing is different to employing people, and very different to what you had done before when you were managing staff.





Edited by - RoyH on 11 Sep 2009 23:24:35

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