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Helmets to 2010 regs onwards, namely where to get 'em!

Adrian Elkin

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I'm depressed...


Just over 2 years into fatherhood and I've put embarrassingly little milage on the BD in the meantime. The insurance companies suggested I get "Lay up cover!" But that's not why I'm depressed...


I'm determined to participate in some competition with her, starting off with the Brighton speed trials, (and beat the Couchman!) may be moving onto the speed series next year. (Well, I guessed you all need someone else to poke fun at!) First things first, I need a new helmet to conform to BS 6658-85 Type A/FR or SNELL 2005 standards. After a quick search online, NOW I'm depressed! ☹️


Anybody have any suggestions as to where to get a MSAUK approved helmet at a price less than the average monthly mortgage?




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Hi Adrian

I entered the freestyle speed champs this year and being on a budget, went for the V2 Sport helmet, I have had no problem with, it but be aware they are sized oddly, I have a XS when my normal sizing is for a M.

So when they are available I would go for it!!



3rd Rock from the summit

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Hi Adrian


I've got the Sparco one (it's my second of this kind). I replaced like with like as I far preferred it to any of the more expensive ones that I tried *thumbup*


It would be good to see you in the speed championship next year (I hope to be along with Calvert Jnr in our supporting capacity, if not actually competing) *smile*



Drowned Rat Racing

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Bad news...

Hi Adrian,


The helmets have been delayed as you probably are aware, we have to add five weeks to the date the helmets shipped, as yet the helmets have not shipped so we are looking mid to end September now.


Sorry for the disappointment


Best regards


Stephen Turner


Ah well ...


Anyone have a Bell Sport 4? At £310.56 (exc VAT) at yonder place in Wrexham, it's the "budget" choice from my shopping online. Just wondered if it was any good?



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I've just bought a Bell Sport 4 (from that welsh place) to replace my slightly bashed Sport 3. I'm very impressed with it, a clear step up from the 3 in terms of quality and noticeably (to me) lighter. I've tried on both Bell and Sparco on in the past and just didn't feel comfortable in the Sparco whereas the Bells fit like a glove on me, I guess it is a very individual thing. SWMBO feels claustrophobic when trying my Sport 4 on whereas I feel her Sparco is a bit flimsy by comparison - each to their own.


I would certainly give it a look in terms of quality then its just down to fit.

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I'm not depressed anymore...


Bit of a stroke of luck last night at the B&HMC. One of it's members involved in the running of the Speed Trials this year offered me the loan of his helmet which is in perfectly good nick and spot on my size to boot. Saves me having to buy a helmet for just the one event this year, and I can look out for bargains later in the year in preperation for next season. Hopefully the V2pro will be available before too long.


Btw Tam...




All the Best

Adrian *wink* *thumbup*

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I am advised that the Snell 2010 helmets will start to become available in October however, I am going to wait for the Blue Book for 2010 to be published as it states this year that Snell 2000 may be removed in 2010. Once we have this information I will contact a well known supplier to see if we can organise a bulk buy to attract some addditional discount and this is likley to be in January next year.


Mark D


Edited by - Mark Durrant on 13 Aug 2009 19:40:32


Edited by - Mark Durrant on 13 Aug 2009 19:41:06

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  • 7 months later...

My new V2 arrived today, picked the size from measuring me head and it fits well, infact it's a bit more snug than my previous Sparco but oddly I can get my glasses on more easily with the new one *confused*


Stickers arrived today and body modification is going well so I really feel as though the season is almost there.

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I may be doing myself out of some business here *confused* But I have been informed verbally (not had it in writing yet) that Snell 2000 has been extended until 2014 and it is likely that Snell 2005 will be fine until 2019.


However Snell still advise the changing of your helmet every 5 years. I have no information about the BS FR standard.


Competition Sec

Management Team Member


If in doubt.......Flat out!


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