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Major oil leak coming from top of engine, help!


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I'm having a bad day, took my car to work this morning and she was working fine, like a dream.

As I arrive closer to work I started to smell oil coming from the front of the car.

After inspection I have discovered a major oil leak coming from the top of the engine on the exhaust side. It seems the cam seal is dead.


I am a member of the RAC which they rescue the car back home.


The car is due to have some worked done by Dave Andrews on the 20st of August.


So the question is, is it possible to do some running repairs to the cam seal which would last the 40 odd mile to Dave's

Or Does some one as a tow vehicle and a trailer on which i could take the car to Dave on the 20st of August?






Emily, The Very Yellow 21

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It is either going to be the cam carrier to head joint, or the cam cover gasket, unless it is coming from the front or rear of the engine.


Check the bolts on the cam cover for tightness...


Only dead fish go with the flow....!

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I can deal with the loss of oil by stopping every 10-15 minutes. Would that stop the risk of loss off bearing lubrication?


If the car stays in the same position a little puddle will appear underneath. the leak will stop by it self after a few minutes


What I am worried about is the cam belt slipping and the damaged that would cause.

Can this happen?





Emily, The Very Yellow 21

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There is one belt at the front, and one small one at the back of the engine on the VVC. Both toothed. From what I remember of my visit to DVA, the cam ladder is placed on top of the head using a liquid gasket, the cam cover gasket is a thin metal sheet .. don't recall if that used any liquid gasket underneath - it certainly doesn't on the top face. Are you sure all the cam cover bolts are secure ? No plugs in cam cover missing ?



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