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blackbird on ebay


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£14,700. GREAT!!!


Congratulations, Ming. You advertised the car very well and very convincingly. It paid dividends *thumbup* *thumbup*


Giles was the closest 😬




Penn 7s Joint AR with Markiebabes (aka The Blatmeister)


Edited by - RoyH on 1 Aug 2009 19:10:51

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Well done Ming......great value for both you and the 'winner'.


If you have contact with any disappointed bidders, I would be really grateful if you could point them my way!!!!! My 7 has been on the market for a month or so now without much luck!


Hope your next project gets a kick start now.

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Fortune? I don't think so, Ming worked very hard to market that car, it was a clever move, getting people to register with him before he would accept a bid, because he was able to 'phone them back and further 'sell' the car to them, it also brought in a personal touch.


I take my hat off to him, I would say he did everything right, I just wish I'd bid him for it before it went on ebay, maybe I could have bought it for a couple of thousand less? 😬

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hi to all *wavey*

firstly i'd like to thank you all for your comments 😳 and intrest in my auction whether you were a bidder or not i'm sure that of the 140 odd *eek* watchers more than just a few were curious "low flyers" secondly I apolagise to the three potental bidders who sent contact numbers through on saturday but didn't get an answer back from me, late thursday eve i was pressganged into working @ silverstone instructing so spent a very fustrating day splashing round in a elise wondering how my "sale" was going 😔

i undestand at least two people had bid "snipes or napps" that unxplainably (sadly from my point of view) failed

finally this brings me to the "winning bidder" dispite all the trouble i went to trying to vet all bidders i have not had any contact from them (let alone a deposit) more than 28hrs after the auction has ended even though ive tried calling them and sent multipull messages *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* makes me so f*&*%^NG mad why cant some numptys follow a simple set of rules!!!




so many supercars so little time!!!!!!

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I'm afraid I suspected as much. You were slow in posting and I had a bad feeling that something was wrong.


Did he register with you first?


He's got a binding contract, but it's going to be a PITA to follow up on that.


It goes without saying that I hope it comes off for you.


Will you post developments on here? I'm sure there are a lot of us would be interested.


All the best.




Penn 7s Joint AR with Markiebabes (aka The Blatmeister)

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hi Roy

as you say he has a binding contract but ive been there before with a beemer i sold on ebay (hence my cautious marketing ploy) ebay still want their final fee yet the only action they take against the "messer" is a strike on their account (3 strikes before they restrict your trading for only 3 months) and as a seller you cant post neg feedback against a buyer warning other sellers of their activitys *confused* 😔 *mad* *mad* my current concern is that the binding contract is a two way afair how long is a fair and resonable lenght of time with no contact from the winning bidder before i offer it to somone else without leaving myself open to possable grief from the original bidder if they then eventualy get back to me still wanting the car (with some sob story as to why they were slow to react) second highest bidder is still very interested is a club member and sounds like a nice genuine guy then theres Arnie (K2RUM) who was expecting his (failed) bidnapp to win at that level!

the "winning bidder" is a non club member from Holland who originally contacted me a few weeks ago when he saw it on pistonheads he asked if i would take £13000 for it without seeing it I turned that offer down telling him to come and view the car with £14500 in his pocket and he would not go home dissapionted! that was the last I heard of him untill I posted it on ebay when he again called me via pistonheads "callsafe system" he gave me phone number which ive not been able to contact him on!

Ming 😔


so many supercars so little time!!!!!!


Edited by - MING on 3 Aug 2009 09:22:12

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Bit messy. I know E Bay well. Never sold a car on it because I am aware that there are frequently problems of this nature.


I'm sure that E Bay have guidelines on how long you should wait for the buyer to respond.


Anyway, you can e mail him and give him a "reasonable" deadline. Say a couple of more days. You can tell him that if he doesnt respond by such and such a date you will place the car for re-sale.


This way you are making time of the essence; he will have no recourse againt you.







Penn 7s Joint AR with Markiebabes (aka The Blatmeister)


Edited by - RoyH on 3 Aug 2009 12:22:22

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What a bu66er Ming! So very annoying that people appear to take things so lightly. You made everything crystal clear, so there is no excuse other than someone just taking the p1ss.


It was interesting that the under bidder, who came in with just 2 minutes to spare, bid £1800 over the odds, and your Dutchman was just another £100 right on the final closing time, probably using special software? It was certainly more than coincidence I'm sure. Do you know the under bidder and was that bid genuine?


Best of luck in getting the sale settled at the final price.


Paul J.

Can you ever have too much power?


Edited by - Paul Jacobs on 3 Aug 2009 12:32:17

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hi all *wavey*

still no contact from the cloggie *mad* 😔 but not to worry as a very nice club member is now the proud owner (he was second in the auction) Im very pleased *biggrin* that its going to him im sure he will love and cherish it as much as i have done (even a huge shower that left us both soaked during the test drive couldnt dampen his enthusiasm) and a big plus is that it wont be leaving the country (at least not on a perminent basis)

Ming 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬


so many supercars so little time!!!!!!

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