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R500 K series, oil levels, oil leak


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Hi all,


I was hopping someone could give me a few pointers to a minor problem I have (or at least I hope it's minor!)


Please excuse the terminology as it's my first Caterham. *smile*


I have a 2000 model R500 K Series, I check the oil dip stick and it was bone dry, so I started to put some in, checking at frequent intervals (ended up putting in 2.5 l). Once I started the engine, the over flow bottle filled up very quickly and blow the lid off, oil everywhere. No more oil flowing into the over flow bottle now, but when I started it up the oil pressure was only 9 pis at idle.


It's been in the garage for a few days, and has a huge oil leak! in fact, I would be surprised if there is any left in it. The oil seams to be dropping from a bolt (n/s/r) on a square plate approx 5" long x 3" wide at the base/underside of the engine, towards the back just before the bell housing.


Can anyone give me an idea of what might have happened and what to do to rectify the issue.







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Hi Darren,

I am not very "K" aware, but I suspect that you may have blown an oil seal by over filling the engine. I would need to have a look, but I suspect you have a dry sump fitted and a probably an Apollo tank which is an oil resevoir, this probably held the oil, the sump should be dry (hence dry sump). You then filled it with 2 1/2 litres of extra oil and this has put too much pressure through the system. Just a guess, but without seeing it I am a bit blind. Do you have some photos of your engine bay?




Edit: Have you read this FAQ here ?


Edited by - jonboylaw on 6 Jul 2009 22:05:51

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Hi Darren

welcome to the club *wavey*


to check the oil on the R500 try Minister home page - then left side for customer support page then FAQ's


the leak sounds like it is possibly from the blue plate here they are dificult to seal *rolleyes* try searching on tech talk for "blue plate " can you take any pics ?






Mark *wavey*

7 Webshots here R400 😬 pure fun ( more so with Aero fitted )

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Thanks for the welcome, the links both of you gave are excellent, thank you both very much.


I will get a photo of the area where it's leaking and post it, but I think your suggestions are correct. So hopefully it should be easily rectified.



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Some of the oil in the dry sump tank will run back into the engine when it's not running, to check the level you need to start it up first and let it tick over for a while to stabilise the oil level in the tank. Then you turn it off and dip the tank. If not you'll over fill it and it will blow the excess oil into the catch tank but you know that now. 😬


I agree with Mark, it sounds like the blue plate is leaking not a blown oil seal. The blue plate covers a similar sized hole in the bottom of the bell housing tank and it's removal will drain the oil out and give part access into the tank. There's an 'o' ring between the plate and the casting but you'll probably need some anaerobic gloop to seal it, don't use silicone.



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P.S. what is anaerobic gloop?
Something like this: here.


Its function is to seal in the absence of oxygen. Any excess remains fluid & is harmlessly carried away by the oil, so it won't set & block oil-ways as silicone might. So clean the surfaces as much as possible & use as little as possible. Although I'm not familiar with the Caterham dry sump system it sounds as though you'll need to drain the oil before attempting to seal the plate.



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Your solution as per above postings.


Related queries:

What oil are you putting in it? What's the mileage? Has it been tracked? How often are you changing the oil?



Taffybach boyo

Penn 7s Joint AR with Markiebabes (aka The Blatmeister)

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Are you sure it's leaking and not just more oil from your mega-blow-out?


If it's the blue plate at the bottom of the dry sump, you shouldn't need goo, just a good o ring and patience to fit properly. Obviously when you take the plate off, the DS tank will empty out again!


If you redo the plate, you'll need to establish if you have any oil left in before starting. Maybe you can take out the plugs, trip the inertia switch and turn the engine over on the battery to drain the sump into the tank and see how much you get. Then you can ensure you have enough in the DS tank before attempting a start.



Editted foor speeelin



Edited by - Gridgway on 9 Jul 2009 11:03:24

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Thanks guys for all your advice.


Took off the blue plate and there was no oil !!


Resealed very lightly the plate and fitted it.


I'll try putting oil in it and testing tomorrow, fingers crossed.


Once again, thanks for all your help.

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seems like you have all the right advice above.


about your dipstick, you need to make one and do not use the one provided in the dry sump chamber, the result for me was oil everywhere, always.


This thread has details of how to make the 24cm marked 2000 R500 dipstick.



Basically a suitable length of nice brass with marks cut, the main one being at 24cm from the base, then just make sure (a) when you dip, it is REALLY at the boottom of the dry sump and (b) it is the right way up!


Do not fear to over fill, it will find it's own level (in its messy way) and in this wy you will find what level it likes. Mine is 24cm which is "standard".



2000 R500 currently being "refreshed" at 24,000 miles.

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Ok........ didn't go as I hoped, still leaking!


but, I now know where and I think why!


The four treaded holes in the dry sump have a (what looks like) spring inside them, the bolts screw into this, I guess to limit damage to the softer material that the dry sump is made of. One of these springs is sticking out a touch, not allowing the blue plate to fit flush with the dry sump.


Does anyone know how to get this spring back up into position?





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You need to post a pic from a website, eg Picasa and then put a link into this forum.


If you dont have a website that you can link to, e mail me the pic(s) and I will post for you.


My e mail addy is royhollands123atyahoodotcom





Penn 7s Joint AR with Markiebabes (aka The Blatmeister)

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