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O/T MGB cut out at 3500 RPM


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A friend has an MGB 1.8 with Lumenition ignition.


At 3.5k it cuts out, but recovers when he lift off.


He has replaced the coil, cap and HT-leads. No difference. Car idles perfectly.


As the tacho returns to zero when the engine stalls I'd expect the problem to be on th LT side.


Any suggestions?






Edited by - rj on 5 Jul 2009 20:50:55

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Has he checked the air gap?

If it is rpm related and not load then it suggests that the Lumenition is losing the signal.

Is it the magnet and chopper version or the light version?

Also are the bobweights ok, ig a spring has broken allowing one of the bobweights to expand it could throw the trigger out of alignment causing the cut at 3.5K.

Also is the dizzy tight worth checking . *thumbup* *thumbup*



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PS also worth checking is the breather on the car, because if the crankcase is pressurising and causing blowback through the dizzy drive and contaminating the sensors, check also the rubber 'O' ring seal on the shaft. *wink*



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*wavey* Peter




He reckon it's the light version, he hasn't fitted it himself, but there is no ballast resistor.


No blow back at idle - or at 1500 RPM.


I would most certainly expect it to be the signal being lost for some reason, either from the sensor or internally in the amplifier.


Would you happen to know the expected amplitude of the output from the sensor?



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Worth checking the wiring on the LT circuit, I have seen situations where the little brown wire in the dist. has the shielding come away as the dist advances, but goes back again when you look for it. Could be something odd like that. Surely ballast resistor relates to the coil fitted? If you have a balasted coil without a ballast resistor, then it will simply overheat causing missfire, not related to RPM.
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