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Dry Sump Tank Location


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My next project is to dry sump my HPC and was looking at locations to fit the dry sump tank. I am thinking of making a tank to fit under the throttle bodies on the RHS. I will be making my own tank (approx size 220 long 120 wide and and 220 deep )

the oil feed will be fed into a circular section (100 dia and 100 long ) at a tangent with perforated steel baffels.

This will give a tant capacity of about 6 litres.

By fitting the tank in this position plumbing will be very easy with short runs, and I do not loose the portion of the passenger footwell.

Has this location been tried before?

Any comments. Have I overlooked something silly.

Regards Brian

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Any comments. Have I overlooked something silly.

Is there space for the steering column? Maybe there is . .. .


One thing though, remember that useable capacity is about 70% of the volume and that means you will only have about 6" depth of oil . .. . so it might slosh about a bit and volume is more like 4l.

To address this, I'd make a big tower for it so you can use the whole volume of the square bit (so a bit like a bell housing tank) and maybe put a collector on the bottom. . .. well that's what I'd do anyway *wink*


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  • Area Representative


I'm sure you'd be better with a dry sump tank that is tall and narrow, rather than short and fat.

The whole idea of dry sumping is to avoid oil surge, but having a short and fat tank, you still risk the pressure pump having nothing to suck.

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